The meeting of the board of directors of Master Ad Public Company Limited held on March 5, 2018, approved the resignation of Mrs. Suparanan Tanviruch from the position of directors, Chief Executive Officer, members of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the company, with the effective as from March 31, 2018. The board approved the appointment of Mr. Phoon Chiong Kit as a Director of the company replacing Mrs. Suparanan Tanviruch, who resigning prior to expiration of their term, for which term of their directorship will be equal to the remaining term of the resigned director with the effective as from April 1, 2018. The board approved the appointment of Mr. Phoon Chiong Kit as the Chief Executive Officer of the company, with effective as from April 1, 2018.

The board approved the appointment of Mr. Phoon Chiong Kit as the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Executive Committee instead of Mrs. Suparanan Tanviruch, with the effective as from April 1, 2018.