Matterport, Inc. announced upgrades to the case and packaging of its signature Pro3 camera to set a new standard in functionality and sustainability for its 3D cameras. The updated carrying case design simplifies transportation of the camera, reduces packaging for more efficient shipping by channel partners, and lowers costs and environmental impact for distributing Pro3 cameras. The updated Pro3 camera packaging will be coming this month to all regions.

This includes: All-in-One Carry Case:Matterport has reimagined its carry case to accommodate not only the camera but also essential accessories such as a tripod mount, extra battery, and charging cables. Redesigned Hard Case: The new hard case is both lighter and smaller than the previous version, making it easier for customers to transport and lighter to ship. Enhanced Sustainability: environmental dedication is evident through the incorporation of recyclable materials in the retail box design.

Additionally, the smaller carton size allows for more units per pallet, cutting shipping costs and boosting carbon efficiency. Matterport helps customers better access, understand and utilize properties through its next-generation 3D digital twin solutions for Property Marketing, Facilities Management and Design and Construction Management. The company recently launched several breakthrough products and services representing the latest in innovation and AI for Matterport?s digital twins.

This included the launch of Property Intelligence, a collection of AI-powered features that unlocks information and data about a property that has never been so easily available due to the power of automation and AI at Matterport.