True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. has recruited two medicinal cannabis cultivation experts to lead the development of its medicinal cannabis products. Stephen Schroeder, Chief Cannabis Industry Advisor, and Christian Zofchak, Director of Horticulture Operations, have joined the True Leaf team, driven by a motivation to help patients, as well as their own family members, who find their pharmaceutical treatments ineffective or intolerable. The cultivation team members are Canadian leaders in selective cannabis plant development. They will identify the best cannabis plant genetics worldwide, and, as part of True Leaf's proprietary intellectual property, will develop unique strains capable of producing the active ingredients needed to develop a highly-effective medicinal product line to address neurological, musculoskeletal, gynaecological, and gastrointestinal conditions. Mr. Schroeder has overseen millions of square feet of cannabis cultivation worldwide. Now an Okanagan Valley resident, he has consulted on cannabis operations in several European Union countries, throughout the United States, and in South America helping thousands of patients. His approach to cannabis horticulture emphasizes purity and precise control of all parameters of the growth cycle. Mr. Zofchak, drawing on more than 20 years of experience, will provide the precise environmental controls necessary to eliminate the need for pesticides and fungicides during the production of cannabis products. The control of these conditions will enable the team to produce whole plant medicines and extractions.