MGI Tech Co. Ltd. announced the launch of its Customer Experience Center (CEC) in Brazil. The goal is to provide a facility for clinical and research laboratories, hospitals, and universities to enhance learning and experience with genetic sequencing technology, applied in precision medicine, oncology, agrigenomics (application of the genome in agriculture) and metagenomics (collection of genomes of environmental microbial communities), among other segments.

The lab will also play a role as MGI Hub in Brazil, allowing the expansion of operations across Latin America. It demonstrates MGI's enduring dedication to broadening global genomics accessibility in this region. CEC, with 270 m2, comprises four distinct areas: NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) lab, automation lab, BIT lab and engineering lab.

CEC São Paulo is located at Avenida das Nações Unidas, 11633 ? 15 floor ? Brooklyn ?

São Paulo.