Message from Matthew Game

In this issue of our newsletter we will look at what the Quindell Group is, why Mobile Doctors joined the group and what the benefits are to our customers and business partners.

The Quindell Group of companies is the brainchild of Rob Terry. Rob has an august past: he set up the Innovation Group in 1997 and, servicing the insurance industry with innovative and high tech solutions to business problems, grew that organisation into a highly successful business with a market capitalisation of £1.3 Billion.

Rob left The Innovation Group in 2003 but has now returned to the industry with renewed vigour and a vision for the new decade: to develop an enterprise consisting of a grouping of companies that are innovative, successful and well managed in their own right and combining them to deliver added value brand extension solutions.  To date these solutions have been deployed primarily with major brands in telecoms and utilities sales environments but now the focus is on tackling industry specific issues in the changing insurance, legal services and finance sectors.

When we were approached by the Quindell Group we at Mobile Doctors immediately saw the benefits that would accrue to our customers and business partners. Being in the group allows us to significantly broaden our scope: rather than just being able to offer a high quality but narrow medical reporting service we can return even more value to solicitors, business referrers and business partners by helping them provide more value to their customers; in effect helping them build their brand with consumers by extending their offerings, extending their brands and gaining significant value in the process.

Since Mobile Doctors joined the group Silverbeck Rymer Solicitors and AI have engaged with Quindell expanding and strengthening the group. However; at the risk of sounding like an X Factor contestant, this is just the beginning of a journey; Rob's vision is to grow the group both organically and by acquisition so that the value for our customers is further increased. All of the companies within the group will continue to operate as standalone businesses which enables Mobile Doctors to remain totally committed to all of our customers and totally committed to providing each solicitor firm we work with, each claims management company, each broker, each doctor the best possible service and return the best value in the market whilst developing propositions to provide combined business offerings that will lower the cost of claims for the insurance industry.

I could not finish without giving you my view on the ongoing debate surrounding the seemingly uncontrollable surge in whiplash claims, which has been the main topic of conversation in the industry over the last few weeks with David Cameron's summit gaining headlines across the media.

The various reports and opinions make it clear that nothing new came out of the meeting except a commitment from the insurers to pass on any savings in costs through lower premiums.

As I see it, the main focus on whiplash creates a problem for the government as there is no department into which this obviously falls and the government are notoriously bad at handling such issues. I am sure there will be some follow-up from Justine Greening, the Transport Secretary, but I suspect all the summit achieved was to add a little more impetus to the government agenda.

As the debate rages on, and illustrating my point, this month also saw doctors and the medical reporting industry attend a meeting with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Insurance and Financial Services to put our views across to MPs and Peers concerning the whiplash issue.

It is absolutely clear a lot of work still needs to be done to explain exactly what MROs and doctors provide and I expect we will continue to come under fire as the whiplash debate continues to be used as part of the overall debate surrounding costs, referral fees and the rising cost of insurance premiums.

Whatever our opinions as to who is to blame and what is to blame, be under no illusion that we are all having to adjust our business models and examine how we run personal injury cases.

Ultimately, the injured party remains central to what we all do - that is, and always will be, core to our future business strategy. At Mobile Doctors the service offering which we have pioneered over the last few years is now being embraced by the insurers, legal and our broker partners. The efficiency and speed, alongside cutting edge technology, ensures our clients are delivered a product reflecting the desire of the government to see whiplash and associated disorders measured and treated correctly. We have always maintained that not every claim is a whiplash, and our clinical governance - and how we diagnose and treat an injured person - are now being examined by the industry as a benchmark for the future.

I am proud that the years of hard work put into ensuring Mobile Doctors produced a product and reports that were clinically driven is now leading the way in how agencies like ours have to operate in the future.

As always please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Matthew Game, Chief Executive Officer