UK Motorists Missing Out On Better Deals
Date: Friday, March 2nd, 2012

According to the latest figures from price comparison site, UK drivers are wasting almost £2.8bn each year due to the fact that they do not switch their car insurance. reveals that many drivers do not bother to shop around for the best deal in car insurance and prefer to stick to the same insurer, thus potentially missing out on significant sums of money. The research points out that one in five British motorists, 7.3m people, automatically renew their car insurance with their existing insurer, with each of them losing £375 per year on average.

Drivers are advised to spend some time comparing offers, as insurers do not typically reward loyal policy holders, the site notes. Motorists aged 55 and over tend to be the most loyal clients, spending well over three years with the same insurer.

Pete Harrison, car insurance expert at Moneysupermarket, says it is a surprise that in the current economic climate and amid a fiercely competitive market that makes companies offer deals, so many drivers remain static and fail to get the best offer. Motorists should not automatically trust their insurer just because they are happy with the service, as there might be better options on the market, experts say.