NuScale Power Corporation announced the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) accepted its Standard Design Approval (SDA) Application for formal review. After beginning the technical review of NuScale?s application in March 2023, the NRC has docketed the application for NuScale?s VOYGR?-6 plant design featuring an uprated 77 MWe small modular nuclear reactor (SMR), which will support capacity requirements for a wider range of customers. The NRC provided a 24-month review schedule for approval, which will align with the timing needs of NuScale?s U.S. customers.

NuScale received NRC approval for its 50 MWe design in 2020 and design certification in 2023, making it the first and only SMR to achieve either milestone. The uprated design currently under review includes the same fundamental and unparalleled safety case the NRC approved in 2020 thus setting the stage for an efficient and effective review of NuScale?s SDA application.