Inactive Instrument

Company Oncolix, Inc.




Biotechnology & Medical Research

Business Summary

Oncolix, Inc., formerly Advanced Environmental Petroleum Producers Inc., is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is primarily focused on the development of Prolanta, a biological drug for the treatment of cancer. The Company's initial focus is ovarian cancer, and commenced a Phase I clinical trial of Prolanta for the treatment of ovarian cancer. Prolanta is effective in the treatment of breast, uterine, prostate and other cancers. The Company's Prolanta is a genetically modified form of human prolactin, a hormone associated with various types of cancers. Prolanta is designed to bind to the prolactin receptor on cells to block the effects of human prolactin. Human prolactin has documented to cause cancer cell proliferation by interacting with cancer cells. The Company has conducted animal studies to determine the efficacy of Prolanta in treating breast and ovarian cancers.

Number of employees: 2


Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 69 -

Members of the board

Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 69 -

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 1 114,227,936 114,227,936 ( 100.00 %) 0 100.00 %
Stock B 0 63,038,284 0 0

Company contact information

Oncolix, Inc.

14405 Walters Road Suite 780

77014-1355, Houston

address Oncolix, Inc.(ONCX)