The board of directors of OneApex Limited announced that Mr. Tan Pei Hong, Alex will be stepping down as the Executive Chairman of the Company with effect from 16 April 2024, while remaining on the Board as an Executive Director and will continue with his functions as Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Following Mr. Alex Tan's resignation, the board announced that Mr. Low Chin Parn Eric, who is currently the Lead Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company, has been re-designated as the Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Company with effect from 16 April 2024. Consequently, the composition of the Board shall be as follows: Board of Directors Mr. Low Chin Parn Eric (Independent Non-Executive Chairman), Mr. Tan Pei Hong, Alex (Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer), Mr. See Chiau Hwa (Independent Non-Executive Director), Ms. Tan Shu Hui Eileen (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director).