PacBio announced the addition of two tertiary analysis partners to PacBio Compatible. Geneyx and Golden Helix will enable PacBio customers to leverage PacBio HiFi data for disease research with the Revio, Sequel II and IIe sequencing systems. Interpreting sequencing data generally involves primary, secondary, and tertiary analysis. Tertiary analysis powers knowledge discovery from variants, usually including annotation, filtering, and data visualization, and can provide further support for phasing and analyzing complex events such as structural variation.

These new partnerships are designed to maximize the value of HiFi data and complete the full end-to-end workflow for PacBio customers. Publications show that HiFi sequencing finds more structural variants (SVs) than short reads. SVs are important as they account for much of the genetic diversity between humans and have been shown to be associated with disease pathogenesis.

The tertiary analysis partners can further accelerate customers' interpretation of this important variant class and enable PacBio customers to create a biological interpretation more easily from the underlying genomic content of their samples, maximizing the impact of PacBio sequencing on human health. PacBio Compatible works with a wide range of organizations to ensure customers can find verified products that are complementary to their workflows for PacBio sequencing. Partners collaborate closely with PacBio scientists to provide seamless integration and support for customers who are just starting out with PacBio or expanding their current capabilities.