Patriot Lithium Limited provided an exploration update on the Wickenburg Project in Arizona, USA. Following the success of the first pass field work, which uncovered the Dove and Mammoth pegmatite targets, Patriot immediately commenced a detailed mapping and sampling program of the Dove pegmatite system. Three pegmatites have now been mapped at Dove that exhibit potential for spodumene mineralisation.

Their surface expression can be traced along strike for at least ~440m at the Dove West pegmatite and ~430m at the Dove East pegmatites. The Dove West and East pegmatites are trending subparallel but are separated by ~90 m to120m. The apparent maximum width of the individual pegmatites is ~15m.

A small pegmatite outcrop ~80m east of Dove East may represent a fourth, albeit poorly exposed pegmatite body of the Dove system. Importantly, the continued on-ground success and follow-up mapping at Wickenburg has not only significantly extended the strike length at Dove but also identified numerous additional pegmatite clusters in the vicinity of the Dove and Mammoth pegmatite targets within an area of at least 1.0km by 1.2km. Most of these pegmatites, including those at the newly identified Vulture target, are poorly exposed at surface and appear to be narrow with average widths of less than 1m.

However, as illustrated by certain LCT pegmatites such as Liontown Resources' Kathleen Valley deposit in Western Australia, thin, finger-like pegmatites can coalesce into a thicker spodumene zone at depth. Dove is proving to be an exciting target, consistent with historical descriptions by previous workers as an extensive pegmatite dyke with spodumene and lepidolite. The Dove LCT pegmatites are strongly zoned, contain spodumene, including pink kunzite, lepidolite, green beryl and dark green tourmaline.

The presence of these gem variety pegmatite minerals is further evidence for a spodumene-rich pegmatite system. An initial rock chip sampling has been completed with samples now being prepared for submission to a laboratory for assaying. A soil sampling program at Dove and Mammoth is underway, with results expected within 10-12 weeks.

Once sampling results have been received and assessed, Patriot will select primary targets and obtain necessary permits ahead of a maiden drill program which is expected to commence in the second half of 2023.