PeptoniMedicacal AB (publ) announced that the company's patented prot for self-tesesting of bacterial vaginosis, VagiVital VS, is being offered for sale in over 220 Apoteket stores in Sweden. VagiVital VS is Peptonic's best-selling product globally, and together with Vernivia, women are now offered the opportunity to self-diagnose and treat bacterial vaginosis with clinically proven self-care products from Peptonic. In 2024, Peptonic will also launch a preventive product against bacterial vaginosis, making the concept complete for the indication - diagnose, treat and prevent.

VagiVital VS will be available in Apoteket's stores in February 2024, and the agreement applies to distribution in more than 220 of Apoteket's physical stores. VagiVital VS are a clinically proven self-test that diagnoses symptoms of bacterial vaginosis with 92% accuracy. The test is carried out on vaginal fluid and indicates the answer within 30 seconds.

VagiVital VSis unique with its combination of precision and immediate results.