Telecom Namibia has appointed a new board of directors for its subsidiary, PowerCom.

The new board members are Ndeyapo Shilongo, Nghifitikeko Tusnelde Tonata, Eldorette Harmse, Mary Shiimi, Nicky Mutenda, Kondjashili Set-son Shifidi and Armando Perny.

The board will serve for a three-year term effective from 26 November 2020 until 25 November 2023.

Shiimi, Harmse, Shilongo and Perny served on the interim board of PowerCom that was appointed for a period of six months.

Telecom Namibia board chairperson Jerry Muadinohamba said the new Powercom board will bring young energy to the company.

"The appointments are based on the required skills blend, individual qualifications, industry expertise and technical knowledge," he said in a statement Thursday.

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