Premier, Inc.?s PINC AI Applied Sciences and TFS HealthScience are announcing a landmark collaboration to accelerate global clinical trials and research innovation, improve patient outcomes and reduce health disparities. The partnership will combine TFS? capabilities, systems and clinical development expertise with PAS?

AI-enabled technology and comprehensive healthcare database. The collaboration will help expedite site and patient enrollment, reduce trial costs, accelerate the journey to commercialization, and ensure equitable access to groundbreaking medical solutions across diverse patient populations. Eighty percent of all trials face premature termination or significant delays due to recruitment challenges ?

and marginalized populations, including Black and Hispanic individuals, remain historically underrepresented. Leveraging comprehensive real-world data (RWD) and AI-enabled tools from PAS, TFS will gain enhanced capabilities to assess site suitability on a larger scale and focus on appropriate patient populations, investigator availability, therapeutic areas expertise and historical clinical trial performance metrics. This data-driven approach has already enabled PAS-supported trials to improve recruitment by 1800 percent and triple enrollment compared to baseline projections ?

significantly reducing enrollment periods and costs. The PAS-TFS partnership has plans for implementation in multiple studies per year across all therapeutic areas and indications. Data-driven designs will enable sponsors to integrate decentralized approaches with an emphasis on remote health and in-home patient monitoring options using mobile apps and wearables, helping lower overall trial costs.

This strategic collaboration is set to further enable TFS?s expansion in the U.S. and enhance PINC AI?s global influence, especially in the European market, leveraging TFS?s extensive network. By uniting their capabilities, PAS and TFS are committed to driving forward innovation in clinical research and offering efficient solutions that prioritize patient health outcomes and equity.