PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk (JKSE:AISA) is planning to stakes in a Vietnamese food company and a Malaysian food company in 2015. Tiga Pilar is allocating $80 million for the expansion and will spend $40 million in each country. Sjambiri Lioe, Director of Tiga Pilar said that Tiga Pilar will buy a stake between 90%-100% in the Vietnamese company and a majority stake in Malaysian company.

Sjambiri further told that they have started negotiations with both the potential targets and that one of the two companies is a biscuit manufacturer. Negotiation with the Vietnamese company is expected to close shortly while the negotiation with the Malaysian company is at an early stage. Sjambiri also told that Tiga Pilar will sell the products of both the companies in Indonesia in addition to selling them in their respective countries.

Tiga Pilar is also looking to acquire a beverage company and hopes to sign an agreement in the first quarter of 2015. Tiga Pilar allocated $79 million in capital expenditure for 2015.