PureCycle Technologies, Inc. successfully produced the first run of Ultra-Pure Recycled (UPR) resin from post-industrial recycled material at commercial scale. This is the first step in operating PureCycle's polypropylene (PP) purification facility in Ironton, Ohio. Once fully operational, the Ironton facility is projected to have an annual production capacity of 107 million pounds of UPR resin.

This run of post-industrial material allowed PureCycle's manufacturing team to test the core technology concepts across various operating conditions. One of the difficulties of recycling polypropylene is that it comes in many shapes, sizes and contamination levels. The benefit of PureCycle's technology is that it is designed to purify a variety of shapes, sizes and contaminants traditionally found in waste polypropylene.

PureCycle UPR resin will be a like-v virgin material, easily colorable, and not only 100% recyclable, but the Ironton facility is anticipated to use 79% less energy than the production of virgin PP resin. It's also estimated to release 35% fewer carbon emissions than new PP manufacturing, further substantiating the PureCycle UPR resin's sustainability benefits. Documentation of the milestone will be submitted to the site's independent construction monitor for formal certification of completion.

The certification is required to achieve a key milestone in connection with PureCycle's Ironton financing.