Huzhou Hongyu Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) Signed a Share Transfer Agreement to acquire 29% stake in Qibu Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603557) from Hong Kong Qibu International Group Limited for CNY 1 billion on October 24, 2021. Under the terms, CNY 550 million will be paid after fullfillment of pre condition, within 30 days of completion CNY 150 million will be paid, within 30 days of re-election of supervisors and senior executives of CNY 100 million, within 30days after expiration of six months of completion CNY 99 million and CNY 141 million after expiration of performance commitment. This transaction requires the board of directors and shareholders meeting of Qibu to review and approve.

Huzhou Hongyu Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) completed the acquisition of 29% stake in Qibu Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603557) from Hong Kong Qibu International Group Limited on December 20, 2021.