The Board of Yunbo Digital Synergy Group Limited at its AGM held on 3 August 2015, announce the retirement of Mr. Kwong Wai Ho, Richard and Dr. Huang Youmin as executive Directors. Mr. Kwong and Dr. Huang has not offered themselves for re-election at the AGM as they would like to devote more times to handle their personal affairs. Both Mr. Kwong and Dr. Huang will remain as consultants to the Group with effect from the conclusion of the AGM.

The Board announced that following the retirement of Mr. Kwong as an executive Director with effect from the conclusion of the AGM, Mr. Kwong has ceased to act as the compliance officer and the authorised representative of the company. The Board also announced that Mr. Wang Xiaoqi, the executive Director, has been appointed as the authorised representative of the company under the GEM Listing Rules with effect from the conclusion of the AGM; and Mr. Yau Hoi Kin, the executive Director, has been appointed as the compliance officer of the company, and the authorised representative of the company under the Companies Ordinance with effect from the conclusion of the AGM.