The Board of Rights and Issues Investment Trust PLC announced the intention to appoint Helen Vaughan as a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee with effect from 1 January 2023. Helen has over 30 years of investment management experience. As the Chief Operating Officer for the JOHCM Group, Helen oversaw the transformation of the Group's operating model to one which supported rapid growth and also significantly reduced operational risk to the business.

She retired from this company in September 2019. Prior to joining JOHCM Group in 2004, Helen was Director of Business Development at Credit Suisse Asset Management and before that Head of Investment Operations at SLC Asset Management and Head of Client Accounting at Framlington Group Limited. Helen is a Chartered Accountant and has a BA (Hons) in Combined Arts from the University of Leicester.

She currently serves as a non-executive director on three Irish fund boards, an Irish and UK management company and a UK investment trust which has not yet listed. Helen is also a certified independent fund director. Retirement of Non-Executive Director: The Company also announces that David Bramwell will retire from the Board with effect from 31 December 2022.

Following David Bramwell's retirement, David Best will become Chairman of the Board with effect from 1 January 2023. From 1 January 2023, the Board will comprise five Non-Executive Directors, namely David Best, Andrew Hosty, Simon Knott, Jonathan Roper and Helen Vaughan.