BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - With a new episode of "Ostfriesen-Krimis" (East Frisian Crime), ZDF won the ratings in prime time on Saturday evening. An average of 6.22 million viewers watched the episode "Ostfriesenwut", which corresponded to a market share of 23.5 percent. The ARD quiz show "2023 - Das Quiz" attracted 4.84 million viewers (19.7 percent). The annual quiz was hosted by Kai Pflaume for the first time, after Frank Plasberg had previously hosted the show 15 times. As usual, however, Barbara Schoneberger, Günther Jauch, Florian Silbereisen and Jan Josef Liefers were the celebrity contestants.

On ProSieben, TV chef Horst Lichter and actor Michael Kessler competed against each other - the episode of the game show "Schlag den Star" was watched by 1.36 million (6.6 percent). The 2018 children's book adaptation "Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer" with Solomon Gordon and Henning Baum on Sat.1 was watched by 1.28 million (4.9 percent). The RTL annual review "What a year! 77 stories that impressed us in 2023" was watched by 1.25 million (5.5 percent).

Vox showed the feature film "The Da Vinci Code - Sacrilege" with Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou, which was watched by 0.83 million (3.3 percent). RTLzwei's Monty Python comedy "The Life of Brian" attracted 0.70 million viewers (2.7 percent). The music comedy "Blues Brothers" on Kabel eins reached 0.58 million from 8.15 p.m., which meant 2.3 percent for the 1980 cult film./wea/DP/he