Business description: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Shell Pilipinas Corporation is a Philippines-based company, engaged in the importation and marketing of petroleum products. The Company is primarily engaged in purchase, acquire, import, manufacture, refine, transport, use, and store any and all kinds of petroleum and its products, components, additives, lubricants, bitumen, chemical and/or petrochemical products; and to market, distribute, and sell at wholesale, export, exchange, deal in, and dispose of such products and by-products which may be produced, developed, or made therefrom. The Company’s commercial products include wholesale commercial fuels, jet fuels, lubricants, and bitumen. Its wholesale commercial fuels product portfolio includes diesel, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil and blended fuels. The Company supplies its wholesale commercial fuels to the manufacturing, mining, marine, power, transport, and other sectors. It offers full vehicle servicing, such as oil changes and other car maintenance.

Number of employees: 489

Sales by Activity: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Downstream Oil and Gas Segment

218B 157B 177B 291B 253B
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


- 10.74B 1.18B - -


- 146B 176B - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - 2021-11-30
Director of Finance/CFO - 2021-01-30
Compliance Officer 56 2020-11-09
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2019-12-31
Investor Relations Contact - 2017-03-31

Members of the board: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 95 1997-12-31
Director/Board Member 65 2011-12-31
Director/Board Member 77 2017-05-15
Chairman - 2019-12-31
Director/Board Member - 2017-12-31
Director/Board Member - 2020-12-31
Director/Board Member - 2021-11-30
Director/Board Member - 2019-12-31
Director/Board Member 72 -
Director/Board Member 77 -
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

55.21 %
890,860,233 55.21 % 102 M ₱
The Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd.
16.45 %
265,465,395 16.45 % 30 M ₱
Government Service Insurance System
0.9808 %
15,823,930 0.9808 % 2 M ₱
Edgar Chua
0.0511 %
824,530 0.0511 % 94 219 ₱
164,357 0.0102 % 18 781 ₱

Company details: Shell Pilipinas Corporation

Shell Pilipinas Corp.

The Finance Center 26th Street corner, 41st Floor

1635, Taguig

+63 2 3499 4001
address Shell Pilipinas Corporation(SHLPH)

Other Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
0.00%+2.36%-38.45%-66.08% 182M
+0.10%-0.60%+4.35%+38.79% 471B
+0.09%-3.90%-17.83%+4.10% 179B
-0.46%+0.69%+6.62%+4.07% 94.81B
+0.84%+7.97%-1.83%+16.76% 92.35B
+1.99%+6.43%-12.52%+44.81% 52.88B
+1.28%+3.96%-8.90%+99.03% 49.31B
+3.30%+1.68%-4.70%+52.84% 42.84B
-1.42%+1.94%+20.85%+76.08% 35.3B
-1.89%-7.39%-14.26%+38.69% 33.47B
Average +0.38%+1.31%-6.67%+30.91% 105.09B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.28%+0.24%-1.64%+32.76%
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  4. Company Shell Pilipinas Corporation