The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Gauteng is appalled and deeply saddened by the horrific incident that occurred at Heidelburg Shoprite where Mr. Shabalala, an unemployed man, died after being locked in the cold room for allegedly stealing a chocolate bar.

This incident reminds workers and the working class of the triple challenges and the undermining by those who are economically favoured. The management of Shoprite took it upon themselves to crucify the deceased without giving him a chance to be heard in court. They decided to become justice unto themselves and locked him to freeze to death.

We equally condemn the reckless and illegal actions by a private security company who opened fire using rubber bullets at close range against a crowd of protesters at Shoprite. This endangered the lives of not only protesters exercising their constitutional rights but also of media workers covering the incident and ordinary pedestrians and school children in close proximity.

COSATU Gauteng urges law enforcement agencies, the Human Rights Commission, Department of Employment and Labour to ensure that the full weight of the law is brought against the guilty. We demand a thorough investigation into the incidents, and we call for the prosecution to be carried out without any prejudice.

COSATU sends heartfelt condolences to the Shabalala Family.

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