SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd. announced the cessation of Mr. Zhou Jun as Non-Executive Chairman and Member of the Remuneration Committee. Other Director Ships Past: Director of: Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Limited Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present: Director of: Shanghai Industrial Investment (Holdings) Co.

Ltd. Shanghai Industrial Holdings Limited Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co. Ltd. Essence Ocean Investment Limited Gold Feather Holdings Limited Green Source Medical Trading Limited Joy Century Investments Limited Novel Good Limited S.I. Feng Mao Properties (BVI) Limited S.I. Feng Mao Properties Limited S.I. Feng Ze Properties Holdings Limited S.I. Feng Ze Properties Limited S.I. Hu Bin Properties Holdings Limited S.I Hu Bin Properties Limited S.I. Hu-Hang Development Limited S.I. Information Technology Holdings Limited S.I. Infrastructure (Hu-Hang) Limited S.I. Infrastructure (Hu-Ning) Limited S.I. Infrastructure (Shen-Yu) Limited S.I. Infrastructure Bridge (Hong Kong) Limited S.I. Infrastructure Holdings Limited S.I. Mighty Century Limited S.I. Nanyang Tobacco Holdings Ltd. S.I. Pharmaceuticals Group Limited S.I. Printing Holdings Ltd. S.I. Properties Development Holdings (BVI) Limited S.I. Properties Development Limited S.I. Properties Holdings Limited S.I. Shen-Yu Development Limited S.I. Smart Charmer Limited S.I. Software Development Holdings Limited S.I. Technology Holdings Limited S.I. Technology Venture Capital Limited S.I. Triumph Power Limited S.I. Urban Development Holdings Limited S.I. Yield Express Limited S.I. Ze Rong Limited Shanghai Galaxy Investments Co. Ltd. Shanghai Overseas United Investment Co.

Ltd. Shanghai SIIC Capital Management Co. Ltd. SIHL Finance Limited SIHL Treasury Limited Silvery Champ Limited SIMST eMedical Network Limited Sky Focus Development Limited Sure Advance Holdings Limited True Victor Holdings Limited Shanghai Shang Shi (Group) Co. Ltd. Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Capital of Culture Industry Management Co.

Ltd. Reason For Cessation: Mr. Zhou has resigned from the positions of the Chairman of the Board, a non-executive Director and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Company as he cannot devote sufficient time to implement duties due to personal matters. Upon resignation, Mr. Zhou will no longer hold any position in the Group.