The board of directors of SinoMab BioScience Limited announces that with effect from 6 September 2023: (1) Ms. Jie LIU (``Ms. Liu'') has resigned as a non-executive Director due to her other business commitments; and (2) Dr. Jianmin ZHANG (``Dr. Zhang'') has been appointed as a non-executive Director. Ms. Liu confirmed that she has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter relating to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ``Stock Exchange''). The Board would like to express its gratitude to Ms. Liu for her valuable contribution to the Group during her tenure of service.

Jianmin ZHANG, aged 46, is currently the chief scientific officer and head of institute of innovative medicine of Hainan Haiyao Co. Ltd. (). From November 2019 to April 2023, Dr. Zhang served as a director of Medicinal Chemistry at Shanghai Jiyu Medical Technology Limited* ().

Prior to that, he served as a leader of medical research and development of innovative drug division at ApoPharma Inc. from September 2012 to August 2019 and served as a medical research and development scientist at Tranzyme Pharma Inc. (now known as Ocera Therapeutics Inc.) from May 2011 to September 2012. Dr. Zhang obtained a master's degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from Wuhan University in 2002. In 2007, Dr. Zhang earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from The University of Alberta and did his postdoctoral training in the University of British Columbia from November 2007 to March 2011.

Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, Dr. Zhang (i) is not interested in any shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong); (ii) is independent from and has no relationship with any Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company; (iii) has not held any other major appointments or qualifications or positions with the Company or other members of the Group; and (iv) has not held any directorship in any other listed public companies in the past three years. The Company will enter into a letter of appointment with Dr. Zhang. The initial length of services will commence from the date of appointment for a term of three years, subject tore-election and retirement as required by the articles of association of the Company.

Dr. Zhang will not receive any remuneration from the Company for being a non-executive Director.