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(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 0598)





The board of directors (the "Board") of Sinotrans Limited (the "Company") was notified by Mr. Su Jian ("Mr. Su"), a non-executive director of the Company, that Mr. Su has tendered his resignation as a director of the Company (the "Director") with effect from 28 April 2021 due to his work re- allocation. Mr. Su has confirmed that he does not have any disagreement with the Board and there are no matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.

The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Su for his valuable and outstanding contribution to the Company during his tenure of service.


The term of the second session of the Board will expire on 31 May 2021. According to relevant requirements including the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association of Sinotrans (the "Articles of Association"), the third session of the Board is proposed to consist of eleven members, including two executive directors, five non-executive directors and four independent non-executive directors (the "Election of Directors"). As considered and approved by the Board on 28 April 2021, the list of candidates for the Directors of the third session of the Board is as follows:

  • Executive Directors: Mr. Li Guanpeng and Mr. Song Rong
  • Non-executiveDirectors: Mr. Song Dexing, Mr. Liu Weiwu, Mr. Xiong Xianliang, Mr. Jiang Jian and Mr. Jerry Hsu
  • Independent Non-executive Directors: Mr. Wang Taiwen, Mr. Meng Yan, Mr. Song Haiqing and Ms. Li Qian

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Mr. Song Dexing will be re-designated from an executive Director to a non-executive Director, since the Board adjusted the responsibilities of Executive Committee and renamed it as Strategy Committee on 27 August 2020, and Mr. Song Dexing ceased to be a member of the Executive Committee.

Save for the adjustments pursuant to requirements of the relevant policies and regulations, the Directors of the third session of the Board shall have a term of three years, and their proposed term of office is from the date of approval of the Election of Directors by the shareholders of the Company at the general meeting to the expiration date of the third session of the Board.

The biographical details of the candidates for the Directors of the third session of the Board are set out in Appendix I to this announcement.

Each of the Directors mentioned above has confirmed that, save as disclosed in this announcement, as at the date of this announcement (i) he/she did not hold any directorship in any other public companies, the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas in the last three years; (ii) he/she is not related to any director, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company; (iii) he/she does not hold any position in the Company or any of its subsidiaries; and (iv) he/she does not have nor is deemed to have any interest in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)). The Company will enter into service contract with each of the Directors mentioned above (the "Director Contracts"). Mr. Li Guanpeng, Mr. Wang Taiwen, Mr. Meng Yan, Mr. Song Haiqing and Ms. Li Qian will be entitled to receive emoluments annually during their term of office, the amount of which will be determined by the Board based on their scope of work and performance and will be disclosed in the annual report of the Company during their term of office and proposed to the general meeting for final approval, while the other Directors will not be entitled to receive any emoluments as directors of the Company. The Director Contracts shall become effective upon approval of the Election of Directors at the general meeting of the Company.

Save as disclosed in this announcement, there is no other information relating to the Election of Directors that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") and there are no other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.


On 28 April 2021, the supervisory committee of the Company approved the proposed re-appointment of Mr. Liu Yingjie, Mr. Zhou Fangsheng and Mr. Fan Zhaoping as supervisors of the Company (the "Re-appointmentof Supervisors"), and their proposed term of office is from the date of approval of the Re-appointment of Supervisors by the shareholders of the Company at the general meeting to the expiration date of the third session of the Board.

The biographical details of the re-appointed supervisors are set out in Appendix II to this announcement.

Each of the supervisors mentioned above has confirmed that, save as disclosed in this announcement, as at the date of this announcement (i) he/she did not hold any directorship in any other public companies, the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas in the

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last three years; (ii) he/she is not related to any director, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company; (iii) he/she does not hold any position in the Company or any of its subsidiaries; and (iv) he/she does not have nor is deemed to have any interest in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)). The Company will enter into service contract with each of the supervisors mentioned above (the "Supervisor Contracts"). Mr. Zhou Fangsheng and Mr. Fan Zhaoping will be entitled to receive emoluments annually during their term of office, the amount of which will be determined by the Board based on their scope of work and performance and will be disclosed in the annual report of the Company during their term of office and proposed to the general meeting for final approval, while Mr. Liu Yingjie will not be entitled to receive any emoluments as a supervisor of the Company. The Supervisor Contracts shall become effective upon approval of the Re-appointment of Supervisors at the general meeting.

Save as disclosed in this announcement, there is no other information relating to the Re-appointment of Supervisors that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules and there are no other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.


The proposed Election of Directors and the Re-appointment of Supervisors mentioned above are subject to the approval by ordinary resolution and the cumulative voting at the general meeting. A circular of the general meeting containing, among others, details of the proposed Election of Directors and the Re-appointment of Supervisors, will be despatched to the shareholders of the Company as soon as practicable as required under the Listing Rules and the Articles of Association.

By order of the Board

Sinotrans Limited

Li Shichu

Company Secretary

Beijing, 28 April 2021

As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Li Guanpeng (Chairman), Song Dexing (Vice Chairman), Song Rong (executive director), Xiong Xianliang (non- executive director), Jiang Jian (non-executive director), Jerry Hsu (non-executive director), and four independent non-executive directors, namely Wang Taiwen, Meng Yan, Song Haiqing and Li Qian.

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Appendix I Biographical Details of The Candidates for The Directors of The Third Session of

The Board

Li Guanpeng, born in 1966, is the Chairman of the Company, and also the chairman of the Strategy Committee and the member of the Nomination Committee of the Board. Mr. Li graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in 1989 and obtained his bachelor degree in English language and literature. Mr. Li joined Sinotrans Group Company in 1989 and worked in Sinotrans Guangdong Company Limited Huangpu Branch. Mr. Li served as the General Manager of Zhuhai Shipping Agency Co., Limited and Guangdong Shipping Agency Co., Limited successively from 1994 to 1998. In September 1999, Mr. Li took the position of the Deputy General Manager of Sinotrans Guangdong Company Limited. From January 2009 to January 2010, Mr. Li was temporarily transferred to the Ministry of Transport and served as an Assistant to the Director. In March 2010, Mr. Li was appointed as the General Manager of Sinotrans Guangdong Company Limited. From August 2013 to January 2014, Mr. Li acted as Vice President of the Company. From February 2014 to April 2019, Mr. Li was appointed as the President of the Company. Mr. Li was appointed as the executive Director of the Company in March 2014. Mr. Li was appointed as the Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Company in May 2018. In January 2019, Mr. Li was appointed as the Chairman of DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd. In February 2019, Mr. Li was appointed as the Chairman of the Company.

Song Dexing, born in 1963, is the Vice Chairman of the Company, the member of the Strategy Committee of the Board. Mr. Song is a Senior Engineer graduating from port engineering major of Wuhan University of Technology (formerly known as Wuhan Institute of Water Transportation Engineering) and obtaining the Ph.D. degree in Management from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Mr. Song successively held the posts of Secretary of the Youth League Committee and Engineer of Water Transport Planning and Design Institute of Ministry of Transport of the PRC, Deputy Head of the lecturer delegation in Sichuan sent by Ministry of Transport, Deputy Division Director and Division Director of Container Division and Domestic Division of Water Transportation Department of Ministry of Transport, Deputy Mayor of Luoyang City (temporary post), Associate Director of the Research Institute of Water Transportation of Ministry of Transport, Deputy Director and Director of the Yangtze Gorges Navigation Administration Bureau, Deputy Director and Director of Water Transportation Department of Ministry of Transport and Director of Water Transportation Bureau of Ministry of Transport, as well as held a concurrent post of Director of Taiwan Affairs Office of Ministry of Transport. In September 2014, Mr. Song was appointed as the Deputy Chairman and Member of the Standing Committee of Party Committee of SINOTRANS & CSC Holdings Co., Ltd., and thereafter successively held the posts of Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of SINOTRANS & CSC Holdings Co., Ltd. From June 2016 to July 2017, Mr. Song was appointed as the Head of Integrated Logistics Department of China Merchants. In June 2016, Mr. Song was appointed as the General Manger of SINOTRANS & CSC. In September 2016, Mr. Song was appointed as the Executive Director of SINOTRANS & CSC. From July 2017 to August 2018, Mr. Song served as the Head of Logistics and Shipping Department of China Merchants. From October 2017 to April 2020, Mr. Song was appointed as the chairman of Nanjing Port (Group) Co., Ltd. In November 2017, Mr. Song was appointed as the Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Sinotrans & CSC. In September 2018, Mr. Song was appointed as the director of the Transportation and Logistics Division/Beijing Headquarters of China Merchants. In May 2019, Mr. Song was appointed as the business director of Transportation and Logistics of China Merchants. Since August 2018, Mr. Song has been serving as the Vice Chairman of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH601872). Since December 2018, Mr. Song has been serving as the director of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SZ001872). Mr. Song was appointed

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as the executive Director of the Company in December 2016. Mr. Song was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Company in June 2018.

Song Rong, born in 1972, is the executive Director and President of the Company and also the member of the Strategy Committee of the Board. Mr. Song graduated from University of International Business and Economics with a bachelor degree in economics, and then obtained an MBA degree from Olin Business School of Washington University. Mr. Song joined China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation in 1995 and worked in liner shipping department I. In 2000, Mr. Song was appointed as the Manager of Sinotrans Canada Company. In August 2006, Mr. Song served as Deputy General Manager of Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd. In January 2008, Mr. Song served as General Manager of operation department of the Company. In June 2012, Mr. Song was appointed as the General Manager of Sinotrans Shandong Co., Ltd. Mr. Song was appointed as the Vice President and Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Company in December 2015. From September 2017 to August 2018, Mr. Song served as the General Manager and Vice Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Sinotrans Logistics. Mr. Song served as the Chairman of China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co., Ltd. in July 2018, and then also served as the Chairman of Sinotrans Logistics in August 2018. Mr. Song has served as Secretary of the Communist Party Committee from August 2018 to May 2019. Mr. Song was re-appointed as the Vice President and Vice Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Company in May 2018. Mr. Song was appointed as the executive Director of the Company in June 2018. Mr. Song also served as the Chairman of Sinotrans Chemical International Logistics Co., Ltd. from November 2018 to June 2020. Mr. Song was appointed as the President of the Company in April 2019. Mr. Song was also appointed as Chairman of SE Netherlands Logistics Holding B.V. in December 2019.

Liu Weiwu, born in 1964 and obtained the intermediate accountant qualification. Mr. Liu graduated from the Economics Department of Xi'an Highway Institute with a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. He obtained a Master Degree of Business Administration from Macau University of Science and Technology. He is the Head of the Finance Department (Property Rights Department) of China Merchants Group Limited. He previously served as the Head of Treasury Division of Financial Department of Guangzhou Ocean Shipping Company, the Manager of Financial Department of Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Company Limited, the Deputy General Manager of the Finance Department of China Merchants Group Limited, and the Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy General Manager and the Director of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH601872). He is also currently an Independent Non-executive Director of AviChina Industry & Technology Company Limited (Stock Code: HK02357).

Xiong Xianliang, born in 1967, is the non-executive Director of the Company and the member of the Strategy Committee of the Board. Mr. Xiong graduated from Nankai University in January 1994, with a Ph.D in Economics, and was granted Research Fellow by the Development and Research Center of the State Council in September 2000. Mr. Xiong successively served as Assistant Research Fellow, Associate Research Fellow, Research Fellow and Division Head of the Development and Research Center of the State Council from March 1994 to December 2000. Then Mr. Xiong served as Deputy Head of Chongqing Development and Planning Committee and Chongqing Western Regions Development Office from December 2000 to December 2004, Deputy Chief of Comprehensive Department of the Office of Western Regions Development Leading Group of the State Council (a temporary post) from July 2003 to December 2003, Counsel of Comprehensive Department and Industry and Trade Department in the Research Office of the State Council from December 2004 to October 2011 successively, and Head of Strategy and Research Department of China Merchants from October 2011 to March 2015. Mr. Xiong has been serving as Head of Strategy and Development

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Department of China Merchants since March 2015, Head of Development and Research Center of China Merchants and Dean of Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation, China Merchants from August 2018 to November 2020. Mr. Xiong served as a director of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH600036 and HK03968) from June 2012 to June 2014. Mr. Xiong has been serving as a director of China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH600999 and HK06099) since December 2014 and China Merchants Port Holdings Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: HK00144) since June 2018. Since August 2018, Mr. Xiong has served as a director of China Merchants Innovation Investment Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Xiong was appointed as the non-executive Director of the Company in June 2019.

Jiang Jian, born in 1964, is the non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Jiang graduated from Dalian Maritime Institute in July 1988 with a bachelor's degree in engineering, and graduated from Dalian Maritime University through part-time study in October 2007 with a Ph.D in engineering. Mr. Jiang joined the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation in 1988, and successively served in Liaoning Branch of China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation and Liaoning Foreign Trade Container Shipping Co., Ltd. Mr. Jiang successively served in Sinotrans Liaoning Company and Sinotrans Liaoning Company Limited from May 1998 to October 2008. Mr. Jiang served as Assistant President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation and Sinotrans & CSC Holdings Co., Ltd. from October 2008 to December 2015 successively, and Vice President of Sinotrans & CSC Holdings Co., Ltd. from October 2015 to July 2016. Mr. Jiang has been serving as Head of the Disciplinary Committee Office of China Merchants since July 2016, Deputy Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee and Head of the Supervision Department of China Merchants since November 2016 and Head of the Communist Party Committee Inspection Leading Group Office in China Merchants from May 2018 to September 2019. Mr. Jiang was appointed as the non-executive Director of the Company in June 2019.

Jerry Hsu, born in 1950, is the Advisor to Global Management Board of DHL Express, responsible for providing management advice to the Global Management Board on strategic issues of DHL Express worldwide network. Mr. Hsu is also the vice chairman of DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd., a joint venture of DHL and Sinotran Limited. Before December 2015, Mr. Hsu was CEO of DHL Express Asia Pacific and a member of the DHL Express Global Management Board responsible for Mainland China, HKSAR, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, South East Asia, India and South Asia, Oceania and other markets and regions. Before September 2002, Mr. Hsu was the International Area Director of DHL responsible for Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Mongolia and North Korea and other countries or regions. Prior to joining DHL in January 2001, Mr. Hsu held various senior management positions in Daimler Chrysler Corporation. Mr. Hsu holds BA/MA degree in International Economics and Politics. Mr. Hsu also holds directorships in various companies within the DPWN Group. Mr. Hsu was appointed as the non-executive Director of the Company in June 2003.

  • Mr. Jerry Hsu is representative nominated by our Strategic Investors pursuant to the strategic placing agreements entered into at the time of the Company's listing in February 2003 between the Company and DHL (the "Strategic Investor").
  • DHL Worldwide Express BV ("DHL") is a member of the Deutsche Post World Net Group ("DPWN Group") whose business operations are global mail, express delivery, logistics and financial services serving both in Europe and around the world. The DPWN Group's express delivery business operations in China are held through DHL, which formed a 50/50 joint venture named DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd. with Sinoair in 1986. This joint venture has helped to establish a business relationship between our Group and the DPWN Group.

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  • For the purposes of the SEHK Listing Rules, the Strategic Investor's nominee director above has interests (by way of minority equity interests or stock options or directorships) in competing businesses (i.e. those of the Strategic Investors, each being a major international company in the transportation and logistics industry), and the Company has been and continues to carry on its own businesses that are independent of and at arms-length from, those businesses and also deal with businesses through its joint ventures and cooperation arrangements with those Strategic Investors.

Wang Taiwen, born in 1946, is the independent non-executive Director of the Company and the Chairman of Nomination Committee and the member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Board. Mr. Wang started his career in Ziyang Internal Combustion Locomotive Co., Ltd. of China Ministry of Railway and worked successively as an engineer, Branch Factory Manager, General Manger and the Secretary of Communist Party Committee. Then he acted as President, Chairman and Secretary of Communist Party Committee of China Railway Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Corporation, and later as Chairman and Secretary of Communist Party Committee of China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry (Group) Corporation. He also acted as an independent non-executive director in China Railway Group Limited, an external director of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation and an external director of SINOTRANS

  • CSC., and an independent non-executive director of China Automation Group Limited. Since March 2016, Mr. Wang has been appointed as the independent director of Guangdong Huatie Tongda Highspeed Railway Equipment Corporation (Stock Code: SZ000976). Mr. Wang was appointed as the independent non-executive Director of the Company in December 2017.

Meng Yan, born in 1955, is the independent non-executive Director of the Company and the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the member of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Board. Mr. Meng graduated from the Institute of Financial Science under Ministry of Finance with a PhD in economics (accounting). Mr. Meng is the professor and PhD supervisor of the School of Accountancy in the Central University of Finance and Economics. From 2003 to 2015, Mr. Meng served as the dean of the School of Accountancy in the Central University of Finance and Economics. In 1993, Mr. Meng was awarded the National Prominent Teacher and then obtained the special government allowance of the State Council in 1997. In 2000, Mr. Meng was awarded the Outstanding Worker in Beijing. Mr. Meng served as an independent non-executive director of Jolimark Holdings Limited (Stock Code: HK2028) from March 2005 to May 2020. Currently, Mr. Meng serves as an independent director of Beijing Capital Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH600008), an independent director of Beijing Bashi Media Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SH600386), an independent non-executive director of China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited (Stock Code: HK916), and an independent director of Qi An Xin Technology Group Inc. (Stock Code: SH688561, which was listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in July 2020). Mr. Meng was appointed as the independent non-executive Director of the Company in June 2018.

Song Haiqing, born in 1978, is the independent non-executive Director of the Company and the member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Strategy Committee of the Board. Mr. Song graduated from the Faculty of Information and Computational Science at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and subsequently obtained a PhD from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Mr. Song currently serves as professor and PhD supervisor in the Faculty of Business Management at Lingnan College, Sun Yatsen University, and Head of the Logistics and Supply Chain Research Center at Sun Yat-sen University. Mr. Song previously worked as a lecturer and Associate Professor of Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, and visited Sloan School of

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Management in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Business School of National University of Singapore, Operational Information Science Department of Josai International University as a visiting scholar and guest professor. Mr. Song's research fields include logistics and supply chain management, operations management, green supply chain, stochastic dynamic programming and management scientific decision-making. Mr. Song was appointed as the independent non-executive Director of the Company in June 2018.

Li Qian, born in 1968, is the independent non-executive Director of the Company and the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and the member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Board. Ms. Li graduated from the Law School of Fudan University, majoring in International Economics Law, and obtained a master degree of law in comparative law from the Law School of the Indiana University-Bloomington. Currently, Ms. Li is a partner of Beijing HYLANDS Law Firm Shanghai Branch. From October 1993 to October 2002, Ms. Li worked as a lawyer in Shu Jin Law Firm, and from October 2002 to November 2015, she served as the managing partner of the Shanghai Branch of the Shu Jin Law Firm. From November 2015 to January 2019, she served as a partner of Beijing Zhong Yin (Shanghai) Law Firm. Ms. Li specializes in securities, mergers & acquisitions, overseas listing, investment & financing and foreign investment, and she is one of the Chinese lawyers recommended by The Asia Pacific Legal 500-the Guide to Asian Commercial Law Firms in the practice area of mergers & acquisitions. Ms. Li was appointed as the independent non- executive Director of the Company in June 2018.

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Appendix II Biographical Details of The Re-Appointed Supervisors

Liu Yingjie, born in 1972, is the chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. Mr. Liu graduated from Capital University of Economics and Business in August 1995, with a bachelor's degree in economics. Mr. Liu successively served as Deputy Division Chief, Division Chief of Comprehensive Audit Division and Division Chief of Computerized Audit Division in the Supervision Department of China Cosco Shipping Corporation Limited from August 1995 to March 2014. Mr. Liu has successively served as Assistant General Manager of Audit Department, Deputy Head and Head of Risk Management Department, Head of the Risk Management Department/Legal Compliance Department and Head of Audit Center since he joined China Merchants in April 2014. Mr. Liu has been serving as the chairman of supervisory committee of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SZ001872) since December 2018. Mr. Liu was appointed as the Supervisor and the chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company in June 2019.

Zhou Fangsheng, born in 1949, is the independent Supervisor of the Company. Mr. Zhou graduated from Hunan University majoring in engineering management in 1985 and completed post graduate course from the Renmin University of China in Enterprise Management of Industrial Economics Department in 1996. Mr. Zhou obtained rich enterprise practice during his long-term service in enterprises. From 1991 to 1997, Mr. Zhou served as Deputy Division Director and Division Director in the State-owned Assets Administration Bureau, and Deputy Director in the Stated-owned Assets Administration Research Institute. From 1997 to 2001, Mr. Zhou worked as Deputy Director in difficulty relief working office for stated-owned enterprises of the State Economic and Trade Commission. From 2001 to 2003, Mr. Zhou served as Director in Stated-owned Assets Administration Research Section of Research Institute for Fiscal Science of Ministry of Finance. From 2003 to 2009, Mr. Zhou worked as Vice Counsel in the Enterprise Reform Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Currently, Mr. Zhou serves as an independent non-executive director of Hengan International Group Company Limited (Stock Code: HK01044), an independent non-executive director of China National Building Material Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: HK03323), and an independent director of Chenguang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: SZ300138). Mr. Zhou was appointed as the independent Supervisor of the Company in December 2011.

Fan Zhaoping, born in 1954, is the independent Supervisor of the Company. Mr. Fan graduated from the Institute of Financial Science under the Ministry of Finance with a master degree in Economics. Mr. Fan served as the assistant manager and manager of the finance department of Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Company Limited, manager of the finance department and financial investment department in and assistant general manager of China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation. From 1998 to 2014, Mr. Fan served as vice president of China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation and has now retired from such position. Mr. Fan also served as CFO and director of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited, supervisor and chairman of Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Company Limited, chairman of Shenzhen BLOGIS Holdings Limited, vice- chairman of China Association of Warehouses and Storage, chairman of Shenzhen Chiwan Oriental Logistics Company Limited, chairman of Hefei Baowan International Company Limited and the chairman of executive committee of the board and vice-chairman of Shenzhen Chiwan Sembawang Engineering Co., Ltd. Mr. Fan was appointed as the supervisor of the Company in June 2018. Mr. Fan was appointed as an independent director of CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: HK01839) in June 2019. Mr. Fan was appointed as the independent Supervisor of the Company in June 2018.

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Sinotrans Limited published this content on 28 April 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 April 2021 08:38:08 UTC.