The board of directors of Sun.King Power Electronics Group Limited announced that Ms. Zhang Ling was appointed as a non-executive Director and a member of the investment committee of the Board, both with effect from 4 December 2017. Ms. Zhang, aged 48, is the managing director of China Reform Venture Capital Investment Management (Shenzhen) Ltd. The Board further announced that Mr. Zhao Hang was appointed as an independent non-executive Director and a member of the remuneration committee of the Board, both with effect from 4 December 2017. Mr. Zhao, aged 62, has been an independent non-executive director of Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited. Ms. Zhang will hold office until the coming general meeting of the Company at which she will be eligible for re-election. Thereafter, Ms. Zhang will be subject to retirement by rotation and re-election. Mr. Zhao will hold office until the coming general meeting of the Company at which he will be eligible for re-election.