Q-Sera Pty Ltd. announced a partnership with Terumo Corporation which will see its patent protected RAPClot? rapid serum tube technology manufactured and used in Japan. RAPClot? serum tubes (evacuated blood collection tubes) produce high quality serum in less than five minutes, reducing the turnaround time from sample collection to serum analysis compared with current technologies. RAPClot? is also effective in producing high quality serum from blood samples that contain anti-coagulants such as heparin. Up to 10% of hospital emergency department admissions are patients on anti-coagulant therapies and current blood collection tubes cannot efficiently clot their blood, resulting in a failure to clot or formation of fibrin strands which interfere with analysers. The ability of RAPClot? tubes to generate high quality serum in less than 5 minutes and to clot anti-coagulated blood samples represents a substantial step forward in patient diagnosis. In hospital and community settings, as well as acute situations such as hospital emergency departments where speed matters, blood tests are commonly used to assist the accurate diagnosis of medical problems ranging from heart attacks to diabetes. A delay in test results means a delay in diagnosis and the right care for very sick patients. Having access to a technology that universally clots all blood samples within five minutes will contribute to improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. Under the terms of the partnership, Terumo Corporation has been granted the exclusive rights to manufacture and market Q-Sera's rapid serum tube technology in Japan. Q-Sera will also supply Terumo Corporation with the recombinant protein RAPClot?. Q-Sera has adapted prothrombin activators originally found in the venom of some snakes to develop RAPClot?. RAPClot? can be produced at industrial scale using recombinant cell lines and standard pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.