Graystone Company Announces Initial Product, Fucoidan Longevity Booster
March 04, 2021 at 09:00 am EST
Graystone Company, Inc. announced its initial product to be launched, "Fucoidan Longevity Booster. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant blend with rejuvenating properties. The main ingredient of this
proprietary blend is fucoidan, a complex polysaccharide found in many species of brown seaweed. Company will use a nano Fucoidan Extract which increases absorption rates up to 5 times. Fucoidans occur naturally in the cell walls of brown seaweeds and function to protect the plant from water-borne pathogens and other environmental challenges. Fucoidans are long chain polysaccharides characterized by a complex molecular structure and varying degrees of sulfation and acetylation. Company Nano Fucoidan Extract is produced from Okinawan mozuku fucoidan which is derived through a patented manufacturing process. According to information published by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as of January 2021, studies on fucoidan suggest that it can prevent the growth of cancer cells and has antiviral, neuroprotective, and immune-modulating effects. (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). Additionally, more than 2000 independent, peer-reviewed research papers have been published on the bioactive properties of fucoidan. This extensive body of evidence includes comprehensive in vitro investigations, animal studies and human clinical trials. Extensive research has been undertaken on the immune-modulatory properties of fucoidan. Published papers have reported that fucoidan may exert a range of beneficial effects on the human immune system, including the reduction of allergic responses and the activation of dendritic cells, natural killer cells and T cells. It has also been shown that fucoidan has the potential to boost important anti-viral and anti-tumour responses. Immune responses to vaccines or infections can be weakened or inadequate, particularly during ill health and in older people. In a clinical setting, ingestion of fucoidan was shown to help boost the immune responses to seasonal influenza vaccinations (Negishi, 2013). The ingestion of fucoidan has also been shown to increase the anti-pathogenic activity of granulocytes (white blood cells) and macrophages (there are involved in detection, phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms) in healthy people (Myers, 2011). Increased immune activity after fucoidan ingestion can even eliminate the tropical protozoan parasite Leishmania, as seen in a mouse model (Kar, 2011). Fucoidans can also promote the maturation of dendritic cells, activate NK cells and promote cytotoxic activity (Zhang, 2015). Fucoidan is most widely known and used for its potential anti-cancer properties. A considerable amount of research has been undertaken in this area, with some researchers proposing that fucoidan not only increases patient wellbeing, but also assists in the treatment of disease. The potential for fucoidan as an anti-cancer agent is explored in several review publications, including those by Fitton (2015), Kwak (2014) and Lowenthal (2014).