Theta Gold Mines Limited advised that the final Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Environmental Management Programme (EIA/EMPr) have been submitted to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and the final technical documents for the integrated water use license application to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) for final decision. The outcome of the decisions from the DMRE and DWS on the applications are expected in Fourth Quarter of 2022 with an additional 90-day review and objection period. A positive decision from the Competent Authorities will enable the Company to commence with its MR83 underground project.

Over 20 studies have been completed as part of the EIA process . The findings from the EIA/EMPr and specialist studies have not identified any fatal flaw, unaddressed objection, or significantly high impact ratings. The requisite mitigation measures are all imminently feasible and this should give all interested and affected parties the confidence that the impacts of proposed activities will not threaten the environment.

A comprehensive stakeholder engagement process was undertaken before the submission of the applications. A very successful open day was held in Pilgrims Rest on 28 May 2022. Feedback from the open day was very positive and the community is very excited about the job opportunities and economic upliftment that will be created by the project.

With the good turnout at the open day and various other stakeholder meetings it can be concluded that the procedural requirement to consult during the EIA phase is satisfied. . An application for an Atmospheric Emissions License was also submitted to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment during June 2022.

The application is currently available for public comments for a 30-day period that will end on 10 August 2022. A final decision on the application is expected by the end of Third Quarter of 2022. This license will allow the operation of the processing plant.