Gansu Foge Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd. announced that it will receive CNY 790,500,216.96 in an equity round of funding on December 4, 2020. The transaction will include participation from returning investor, Tibet Cheezheng Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002287) to maintain its 100% stake in the transaction. Out of the total capital increase, CNY 158,100,000 will go to registered capital and the remaining will go to the capital reserve. Post the closing, the registered capital of the company will increase from CNY 53,596,000 to CNY 211,696,000. The transaction has been approved at the 30th meeting of the investor's 4th directorate and the 25th meeting of the 4th supervisory board and does not need the shareholders approval. On June 10, 2021, the company announced that it has completed the registration and filing procedures of the capital increase, and obtained the "Business License" from Lintao County Market Supervision Administration.