26/03/13 Trifork Notice of Annual General Meeting

Published: 2013­03­26 14:39:38 CET

Trifork A/S

Notice to convene annual general meeting

Trifork Notice of Annual General Meeting Message No. 2/2013

Aarhus, 2013­03­26 14:39 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ­­ The Annual General Meeting of Trifork A/S

is to be held:

Thursday, April 18th, 2013 at 17.00

in the Company's offices in Aarhus N - Dyssen 1, 8200 Aarhus N.


1. Directors' report on the Company's activities during the past year.

2. Presentation of the annual report for 2012 with the auditor's signatures for approval, including approval of the remuneration policy for directors and executives, which are printed in the annual report.

3. Resolution on the appropriation of profits according to the annual report.

4. The Board proposes a dividend of 25% of the parent Company's share of net profit of DKKm 18.6. This corresponding to DKKm 4.5 or DKK 0.25 per share, while DKKm 14.1 is transferred to the next financial year.

5. Election of Board Members.

Johan Blach Petersen (chairman) Birthe H. Andersen
Jeppe Opstrup

6. Election of auditors

7. The Board proposes re