As decided by the annual general meeting on 26 April 2023, the nomination committee of Viking Supply Ships AB shall comprise four members. The four members shall represent the three largest shareholders/shareholder groups of the votes in the company as per 31 August 2023 as well as the Chairman of the Board. If such a shareholder declines to elect a member, the fourth largest owner or owner group will be asked, and so on, provided that the owner holds a minimum of 3% of the votes in the Company.

Should none of the asked shareholders or owner groups, holding at least 3% of the votes in the Company, choose to appoint a member to the Nomination Committee, the Nomination Committee shall consist of three members. The nomination committee appointed for the annual general meeting 2024 consists of: Bengt A. Rem in his position as Chairman of the Board, Lars Petter Utseth (chairman of the nomination committee) representing Kistefos AS /Viking Invest AS and Lena Patriksson Keller representing Enneff Rederi AB. As the third largest shareholder has abstained from participate in the nomination committee and no other shareholder at 31 August 2023 held a minimum of 3% of the votes in the Company, the Nomination committee will, in accordance with the resolution at the AGM held 26 April 2023, consist of three members.