Virtualware has appointed Albert C. Maasland, former CEO of Crown Agents Bank and former CEO of Saxo Bank UK, to its International Advisory Board, in a decision that will reinforce the company's position as a leader in the immersive technologies industry. Mr. Maasland (1960) brings an extensive and distinguished career within the global banking industry. During his career, he also served as Global Head of Business Development at HSBC Markets, Global Head of Business Development, E-commerce at Standard Chartered Bank, Global Head of Marketing at Deutsche Bank, and Managing Director at Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan).

His role in launching the world's first generation of cross-border electronic transaction banking services highlights his capability of driving success within tech industries. In addition to these roles, London-based Maasland served as CEO of Knight Capital Europe and KCG Europe and as a Board Member of EASDAQ NV, the parent company of Equiduct, a pan-European Regulated Market operated by Borse Berlin.