Xeriant, Inc. announced the appointment of Steven Swanson, former NASA astronaut, engineer, and Commander of the International Space Station (ISS), to the Company's Board of Advisors. Over his remarkable 28-year career with the agency, Mr. Swanson has been an innovator in advancing spaceflight technologies, starting as a systems and flight engineer in the Aircraft Operations Division of NASA's Johnson Space Center, and later as an astronaut with multiple assignments in space. His most notable achievements as an astronaut are his three missions to the International Space Station (ISS), one as Commander; logging over 195 cumulative days in space; traveling over 83 million miles in orbit; and completing five spacewalks, two as lead spacewalker, totaling over 28 hours of extravehicular activity.

His flights to the ISS were aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis, Space Shuttle Discovery and the Russian Soyuz rocket.