The board of directors of Yangzhou Guangling District Taihe Rural Micro-finance Company Limited announced that Ms. Zhou Yinqing, Mr. Zuo Yuchao, Mr. Chan So Kuen, Mr. Bao Zhenqiang and Mr. Wu Xiankun have retired as Directors upon the end of the term of the sixth session of the Board on 19 January 2024. Each of Ms. Zhou Yinqing, Mr. Zuo Yuchao, Mr. Chan So Kuen, Mr. Bao Zhenqiang, and Mr. Wu Xiankun has confirmed that he/she has no disagreement with the Board and the Company, and that there is no other matter relating to his/her retirement that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. As approved at the AGM, the seventh session of the Board comprises three executive Directors, namely Mr. Bo Wanlin, Ms. Bai Li and Mr. Zhang Yi; two non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Bo Nianbin and Mr. Zhang Zhuo; and three independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Xu Xuechuan, Ms. Zhang Lingling and Ms. Wang Chunhong.

The term of the seventh session of the Board will be three years and has commenced on 19 January 2024. The compositions of the audit committee of the Company, the nomination committee of the Company, and the remuneration committee of the Company upon the commencement of the seventh session of the Board on 19 January 2024 are as follows: Audit Committee: Mr. Xu Xuechuan (Chairman); Ms. Zhang Lingling and Ms. Wang Chunhong. Nomination Committee: Mr. Bo Wanlin (Chairman); Ms. Zhang Lingling and Ms. Wang Chunhong.

Remuneration Committee: Ms. Zhang Lingling (Chairlady); Mr. Xu Xuechuan and Ms. Wang Chunhong. Ms. Wang Chunhong and Mr. Zhang Yi have retired as the supervisors of the Company upon the end of the term of the sixth session of the board of Supervisors on 19 January 2024. As approved at the AGM and the meeting of representatives of employees of the Company held on 20 December 2023, the seventh session of the Board of Supervisors will comprise three Supervisors, namely Ms. Li Guoyan, Mr. Wu Xiankun and Ms. Lu Lu.

The term of the seventh session of the Board of Supervisors will be three years and has commenced on 19 January 2024. Ms. Lu Lu, aged 43, holds a bachelor's degree in finance from the Nanjing Audit Institute (currently known as Nanjing Audit University). Ms. Lu worked as a senior supporting staff member at the Yangzhou Branch of FedEx (China) Co.

Ltd. from August 2003 to June 2015. From March 2016 to May 2018, she worked at Yangzhou Qinshui Lily Trading Co. Ltd. primarily responsible for human resources and procurement.

From June 2018 to January 2020, she served as a sales assistant at Yangzhou Weikailai Optoelectronic Instrument Co. Ltd. She joined the Group in February 2020 as an office manager and has been primarily responsible for human resources matters and administrative logistic management work. Ms. Lu has entered into a service agreement with the Company for a term of three years subject to early termination in accordance with the terms therein and retirement by rotation, and eligible for re-election pursuant to the Articles of Association.

The Board announced that Mr. Bo Wanlin has been appointed as the chairman of the seventh session of the Board for a term of three years commencing from 19 January 2024 until the expiry of the term of the seventh session of the Board, and that Mr. Wu Xiankun has been appointed as the chairman of the seventh session of the Board of Supervisors for a term of three years commencing from 19 January 2024 until the expiry of the term of the seventh session of the Board of Supervisors.