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裕 元 工 業( 集 團 )有 限 公 司 *

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


The Board is pleased to announce that the resolutions set out in the Notice were duly passed by way of poll at the AGM held on 30 May 2014.
As previously announced, with effect from the conclusion of the AGM, (i) Mr. Tsai retired as an executive director; and
(ii) Dr. Liu retired as an independent non-executive director.


The board (the "Board") of directors of Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce the voting results of the annual general meeting of the Company held on 30 May 2014 (the "AGM").
Poll voting was demanded by the chairman of the AGM on all resolutions proposed at the AGM and as set out in the notice of AGM of the Company dated 25 April 2014 (the "Notice"). The vote-taking at the AGM was scrutinized by the Hong Kong branch share registrar of the Company, Tricor Secretaries Limited.
The total number of shares entitling the shareholders to attend and vote for or against each and every resolution at the AGM was 1,648,928,486 shares of HKD0.25 each, representing the entire issued share capital of the Company as at the date of the AGM. There were no shares entitling the shareholder to abstain or vote only against the resolutions at the meeting.

* For identification purposes only


The following resolutions were voted on by the shareholders attending and voting at the AGM either in person or by proxy or by their duly authorised representatives by way of poll:

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

No. of Votes

(approximate % of total shares voted)

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions



Resolution 1

To receive and consider the audited financial statements and the reports of the directors and auditors for the year ended 31 December 2013.

1,505,140,371 (100.0000%)



Resolution 2

To declare a f inal di vidend of HK$0.75 per share for the year ended 31 December 2013.

1,510,147,371 (100.0000%)



Resolution 3

(i) To re-elect Mr. Lu Chin Chu as an executive director.

1,414,722,006 (93.9924%)

90,423,285 (6.0076%)

Resolution 3

(ii) To re-elect Mr. Lee Shao Wu as an executive director.

1,436,772,857 (95.1412%)

73,374,434 (4.8588%)

Resolution 3

(iii) To re-elect Mr. Tsai Ming-Lun, Ming as an executive director.

1,435,915,184 (95.0844%)

74,232,107 (4.9156%)

Resolution 3

(iv) To re-elect Mr. George Hong- Chih Liu as an e x ecuti v e director.

1,436,772,857 (95.1412%)

73,374,434 (4.8588%)

Resolution 3

(v) To re-elect Mr. Leung Yee Sik as an independent non-executive director.

1,508,283,831 (99.8766%)

1,863,460 (0.1234%)

Resolution 3

(vi) To re-elect Mr. Hsieh, Yung Hsiang (also known as Alfred Hsieh) as an independent non- executive director.

1,508,370,831 (99.8824%)

1,776,460 (0.1176%)

Resolution 3

(vii) To authorise the board of directors to fix the remuneration of the directors.

1,455,080,216 (100.0000%)



Resolution 4

To appoint auditors and to authorise the board of directors to fix their remuneration.

1,510,055,371 (99.9939%)




Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions

No. of Votes

(approximate % of total shares voted)

Poll Results in respect of the resolutions

Ordinary Resolutions



Resolution 5

(A) To grant a general mandate to the directors to issue, allot and deal with additional shares not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution.

1,042,291,123 (69.0192%)

467,856,248 (30.9808%)

Resolution 5

(B) To grant a general mandate to the directors to repurchase the Company's own shares not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution.

1,509,247,879 (99.9960%)



Resolution 5

(C) To extend the general mandate to issue, allot and deal with additional shares of the Compan y under resolution number 5A to include the number of shares repurchased pursuant to the general mandate

to repurchase shares under resolution number 5B.

1,079,565,656 (71.4874%)

430,581,715 (28.5126%)

As more than half of the votes were cast in favour of each and every ordinary resolutions set out above, each and every ordinary resolutions of the AGM set above were duly passed.


As disclosed in the announcement and circular of the Company dated 26 March
2014 and 25 April 2014 respectively, Mr. Tsai Chi Neng ("Mr. Tsai") retired from office as an executive director and Dr. Liu Len Yu ("Dr. Liu") retired from office as an independent non-executive director of the Company, both with effect from the conclusion of the AGM. Both Mr. Tsai and Dr. Liu have confirmed that in relation to their retirement, they have no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter which needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders.
The Board takes this opportunity to express its gratitude to both Mr. Tsai and Dr. Liu for their valuable contribution and support during their tenure.


After the retirement of Mr. Tsai and Dr. Liu being effective and as at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises nine executive directors namely, Mr. Lu Chin Chu (Chairman), Ms. Tsai Pei Chun, Patty (Managing Director), Mr. Kuo Tai Yu, Mr. Kung Sung Yen, Mr. Chan Lu Min, Mr. Li I Nan, Steve, Mr. Lee Shao Wu, Mr. Tsai Ming- Lun, Ming and Mr. George Hong-Chih Liu; five independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Leung Yee Sik, Mr. Huang Ming Fu, Mr. Chu Li-Sheng, Ms. Yen Mun-Gie (also known as Teresa Yen) and Mr. Hsieh, Yung Hsiang (also known as Alfred Hsieh).
By Order of the Board

Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited Lu Chin Chu


As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are: Executive Directors:

Mr. Lu Chin Chu (Chairman), Ms. Tsai Pei Chun, Patty (Managing Director), M r. Kuo Tai Yu, M r. Kung Sung Yen, M r. Chan Lu Min, M r. Li I Nan, Steve, Mr. Lee Shao Wu, Mr. Tsai Ming-Lun, Ming and Mr. George Hong-Chih Liu.

Independent Non-executive Directors:

Mr. Leung Yee Sik, Mr. Huang Ming Fu, Mr. Chu Li-Sheng, Ms. Yen Mun-Gie (also known as Teresa Yen) and Mr. Hsieh, Yung Hsiang (also known as Alfred Hsieh).

Hong Kong, 30 May 2014
Website: http://www.yueyuen.com


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