ZyVersa Therapeutics, Inc. announced Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of the Phase 2a clinical trial protocol to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Cholesterol Efflux Mediator VAR 200 in patients with diabetic kidney disease. The clinical trial is on track to begin in the first half of 2024. Initiation of this clinical trial is a key milestone for ZyVersa.

It is the first in human trial for VAR 200 intended to substantiate that the promising preclinical results demonstrated in three different animal models of kidney disease (diabetic kidney disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and Alport syndrome) translate to patients with kidney disease. The preclinical data demonstrated across all three kidney disease models that VAR 200: Reduced cholesterol and lipid levels in the kidneys? filtration system.

Protected against kidney injury and fibrosis. Significantly reduced protein in the urine (proteinuria).