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This voluntary announcement is made by Fosun International Limited (the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") in response to certain news articles in Hong Kong today (the "Articles").
The Articles reported that certain limited partners of a fund which is currently managed by the Group (the "Fund") alleged, amongst others, that a conveyance of interests in a piece of land in Dalian by the Group to the Fund in 2011 (the "Conveyance") constituted a related party transaction and mismanagement of the Fund.
In relation to the allegations set out in the Articles, the Company would like to clarify as follows:
1. the Conveyance has been completed in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and related documents that are binding on the Fund, including the laws of the People's Republic of China and the rules on connected transactions as set out in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The purchase price of the Conveyance was determined according to the valuation prepared by an independent third party, was agreed on an arm's length basis and the Conveyance was completed in compliance with related procedures of the Fund;
2. the Company is of the view that any related individual of the Fund can pursue legal means if he/she believes that his/her rights has been violated; and
3. the Company highly values corporate governance practices and high standard of business ethics and integrity. The Company reserves the right to take legal action against any party which intentionally disseminated false or unsubstantiated information which jeopardized the reputation of the Company.

Shanghai, the PRC, 15 May 2014

By Order of the Board Fosun International Limited Guo Guangchang


As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Guo Guangchang, Mr. Liang Xinjun, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Mr. Ding Guoqi, Mr. Qin Xuetang and Mr. Wu Ping; the non-executive director is Mr. Fan Wei; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Zhang Shengman, Mr. Andrew Y. Yan, Mr. Zhang Huaqiao and Mr. David T. Zhang.

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