STORY: :: Heavy rains once again pound southern Brazil, hampering recovery efforts 

:: Porto Alegre, Brazil

:: May 23, 2024

:: Porto Alegre saw more rain in 12 hours than it typically gets in a whole month

"We got the children out of the school, thank God, and the children from the community centre can still get out on foot. There are many elderly people, including my parents, who are unable to get out of here so we're trying to rescue them."

:: Record flooding over the past month has killed 163 people and displaced some 600,000

Rains had lightened up to a drizzle over the past few days, with stores beginning to open and residents working to rebuild. But the skies opened once more on Thursday morning, dumping heavy rains and flooding areas of Porto Alegre all over again.

In a span of 12 hours, parts of Porto Alegre received more rains than they typically do in a whole month, according to data from the national meteorological institute.