4C Strategies is delighted to announce the appointment of Josefine Rosén as its new Managing Director (MD) of 4C Nordics. She will take over the role from the outgoing MD, Mikael Grape, who was recently given responsibility to lead the expansion within the public and private sector in North America. Josefine Rosén has been with 4C Nordic since 2010, when she joined the company as a Consultant after graduating from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Since then, she has risen through the ranks of the company, becoming a Senior Consultant, Line Manager and, most recently, Operations Director where she had overall responsibility for the delivery of products and services in the Nordics. As well as leading the Nordic organization, Josefine will also join the Group Management Team. She will officially start in the role of Managing Director of 4C Nordics on 1 August 2023.