On September 28, 2022, Agile Media Network Inc. announced the Voting Results of Proposals at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on September 22, 2021. The following items were resolved by vote, Proposal No. 1 Decrease in the amount of capital, about (i) Amount of capital to be reduced, from the capital amount of 526,813,860 yen, 426,813,860 yen was reduced to 100,000,000 yen; (ii) Method of reducing the amount of capital stock: The total amount of the reduced capital stock of 426,813,860 yen will be transferred to other capital surplus, and (iii) The date when the decrease in the amount of stated capital becomes effective is November 1, 2021.

Proposal No. 2 Appointment of Tetsuya Araki as director, and Proposal No. 3 Appointment of Yasuhiko Mizuno as Substitute Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Cybridge LLC was agreed and in favor for these 3 Proposals, however, stated that these approvals assume that Management is committed to effective improvements in performance, governance and finance by the end of the current fiscal year. Cybridge also stated that a large amount of money, about 270 million yen, in terms of Company's sales and net assets was misappropriated by Mr. Ishido, a former director and CFO who was an absolute authority in the Company, and it could not be prevented from occurring. Based on the situation of Governance-less, Cybridge consider necessary to drastically renew the composition of Company's Board of directors, such as having a majority of outside directors, in order to rebuild sound Corporate Governance.