Agritek Holdings, Inc. announced that the Company will utilize its partnerships with licensed facilities in Florida, Colorado and California to focus on the cultivation and extraction of highly enriched CBG hemp, based on a new medical study that CBG material may have antibiotic potential to fight viral disease in humans. An interdisciplinary team of McMaster researchers found that the chemical compound, or cannabinoid, called cannabigerol (CBG) is not only antibacterial but also effective in mice against a resilient family of bacteria known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). CBG achieved this by targeting the cell membrane of the bacteria. These findings in the laboratory were supported when mice with an MRSA infection were given CBG. The findings were published in the journal American Chemical Society Infectious Diseases. Agritek Holdings presently has extracted multiple liters of hemp crude oil containing both CBD and CBG hemp material from last year's farming operations and hemp harvest in Colorado to be used within multiple nutraceutical product lines. Despite the shock and awe of the traditional pharma community, it is no surprise to see powerful antibacterial effects from CBG in combination with other medications. The effect of the endocannabinoid system helps increase the potency of other antibacterial agents through its major functions. Beyond germs, cannabigerol can slow the spread of viruses throughout the body. CBG can stop the replication of viral infections by inhibiting calcium through several pathways, such as agonizing PPAR-y, a regulator of genetics, tumorigenesis, and many cellular processes. This leads to a widespread anti-inflammatory response that can help orchestrate white blood cells as they attack diseases, like pneumonia. In terms of relieving symptoms, nitric oxide is pneumonia’s weapon of inflammation which cannabis, CBD more than CBG, is an expert at disarming. Research on this topic is still at an early stage to answer if cannabinoid formulations can truly deal with epidemics as severe as the current form of coronavirus now COVID-19 and originally the Wuhan Virus spreading in Southeast Asia, Europe and now entering the United States and Canada. The company do not currently understand the pathogenesis of the disease, in order to develop vaccines or to employ medicinal intervention. Yet, that is the exact point of generic instant treatment, something that cannot be relied upon but can still be delivered with benefits that outweigh the risks. According to current research, CBG is non-intoxicating, mostly non-toxic, and non-sedating so it carries little known risk. The development of cannabinoid formulations might be able to unlock a range of interventions for many outbreaks, bacteria or viral.