Ashley Gold Corp. announced entering into an option agreement to earn 100% of contiguous claims directly east of the Tabor property including the past producing Sakoose Mine subject to a 1.5% Net Smelter Royalty (NSR). The Tabor and Sakoose mines are located approximately 5km apart from each other 500m south of a major regional fold hinge.

No drilling has occurred between these two mineralized zones and is considered greenfield exploration. In addition to the Tabor-Sakoose trend, historic grab samples have been taken to the south that likely correlate to the sampling at the Santa Maria pit and Lee Lake occurrences. The total combined property at over 4,000 hectares has the potential for district scale discoveries.

The Sakoose Mine is located 7.5km south of Highway 17 on the Sandy Point Road providing year-round access. The mine produced from 1934 until 1902 when the mill burned down. Total production is reported at 8,828 tons with an average grade of 11.9 g/t Au.

Historical drilling reporting is incomplete, however in 1988, a drill program was completed testing below the known workings. Many of these intercepts showed continuation of mineralization down to 200m vertical depth. Potential for an additional trend is seen from the SAK-18 intercept.

Figure3 shows an east-west magnetic anomaly that is trending with the main Sakoose vein. This anomaly extends approximately 400m west of the known drilling which has the potential for vein continuation along strike. Update on Tabor Drill Program Assays.

Assays on the maiden Tabor drill program are expected to be finalized this week. Terms of the Sakoose Option. $8,000 cash payment and 200,000 shares on execution of agreement.

1st Anniversary - $12,000 cash payment. 2nd Anniversary - $18,000 cash payment. 3rd Anniversary - $30,000 cash payment or, at election of Ashley, $14,000 cash payment and $20,000 payable in shares based on previous 20-day Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) - 1.5% Net SmELter Royalty (NSR) with option to purchase 0.5% back at $600,000 reducing NSR to 1%.

Please note that assay values denoted with an "*" within this release are from previous operators, considered to be "historical" in nature and therefore are non-compliant with respect to NI 43-101 standards, and have not been independently verified by Ashley Gold. The values have been extracted from publicly available government resources including Assessment Reports and MinFile inventory details and it is unknown what type of quality-control programs were performed at the time.