Asian Capital Resources Holdings Ltd. announced that with effect from March 29, 2012, Mr. Xie Xuan, an executive Director and the Chairman of the Company, has been appointed as a member of the remuneration committee of the Board. After the appointment, the remuneration Committee comprises of three members, including Mr. Wu Jixue, Dr. Feng Ke and Mr. Xie Xuan as members. The board also announces that a nomination committee of the Board has been established with writ en terms of reference with effect from March 29, 2012. Dr. Feng Ke and Mr. Zhang Daorong, independent non-executive Directors, and Mr. Lo Mun Lam, Raymond, a non-executive Director, have been appointed as members of the Nomination Committee and Dr. Feng Ke has been appointed as chairman of the Nomination Committee with effect from March 29, 2012.