Inc. announced that it will launch LIBRARY AI Assistant (- Version), Japan's first AI-powered book search service for lawyers, from September 28, 2023. What is LIBRARY AI Assistant (-version)? Lawyers have always spent a great deal of time on two tasks: summarizing the main issues at hand for each case and searching for relevant books. However, these two tasks can now be completed in one go due to the Company's new AI (GPT-4)- powered phrase searching capability. Specifically, when a user asks a question in the form of a phrase, the AI is able to understand not only the keywords but also the phrase itself and can find and display pages in books that are relevant even though they do not contain the keywords. The AI also automatically generates a summary of the main issues at hand with reference to multiple books. When developing this service, the Company received technical support from PKSHA Technology Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Katsuya Uenoyama), which included using PKSHA LLMS.: Support provided via PKSHA ReSearch, which is responsible for R&D at PKSHA The Company also plans to launch the capability as part of BUSINESS LAWYERS LIBRARY, the AI (GPT-4)-powered book search service for corporate legal affairs, at the end of October 2023. The service is a system that combines the LIBRARY® search engine with Microsoft Corporation's Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Background to development In February this year, the Company established Professional Tech Lab, which focuses on the research and development of services using new technologies in the professional domain. As part of this, the Company adopted a plan for Japan's first ever vertically trained LLM (Large Language Model) in law (i.e. an AI that is trained in legal data) dubbed Legal Brain, and began providing Chat Legal consultation (- version), an AI legal consultation chatbot service for consumers, on a trial basis in May this year. As the structure of society becomes increasingly complex, the fields of law handled by lawyers are also becoming more and more diverse, and the number of specialist books that are required as a result is also dramatically increasing. The time lawyers spend on research has also become a huge strain. The Company focused its attention on lawyers' research work, which will become increasingly important in the future, and developed a new AI-powered research service. This service will make legal research more efficient and will further promote the digital transformation (DX) of lawyers' work. Furthermore, the Company believes that this AI-based service can also be applied in other professional fields because it enables time-consuming research and analysis to be conducted more efficiently. Through this service, the Company aims to improve the quality of work, save time and money, and help promote DX
across all professions. What is LIBRARY® LIBRARY® is a subscription-based legal research service that can be used to search and view more than 1,900 books. The service saves lawyers the time they would otherwise spend searching for information in very thick law books, enabling them to complete tasks such as considering the best course of action for dealing with a case and preparing the necessary documents more efficiently.
In addition to the capability for viewing books, the service also supports greater business efficiency by providing more than 2,200 contract and agreement templates in word format. What is Professional Tech An approach to promoting DX for a broad range of professions including lawyers, tax accountants, medical doctors, patent attorneys, IT engineers, web designers and financial planners. Professional Tech aims to establish a society where more people can rely on professionals safely, securely, and easily more than ever before through the participation of a broader range of professionals and the digital transformation of the unique skills, knowledge and other features of the professions, regardless of whether a job requires a certification.