BioMark Diagnostics Inc. announced that Health Canada has approved its clinical trial application (CTA) and has granted a Letter of No Objection (NOL) for its application entitled Excretion of Acetylamantadine (AA) by Lung Cancer Patients During a Chemotherapy Regimen With or Without Immunotherapy. Since immunotherapy is now standard of care for lung cancer, BioMark amended the protocol to include study participants receiving immunotherapy and added the Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec (IUCPQ) as an additional site under the supervision of Dr Philippe Joubert. The amended protocol is intended to test the hypothesis that downregulation of SSAT1 activity as reflected by a reduced plasma concentration of acetylamantadine, will occur earlier than can be detected by other diagnostic testing methods used to determine the efficacy of chemotherapy combined or not to immunotherapy in patients with a diagnosis of stage III lung cancer. This amendment approval from Health Canada will facilitate the study and permit achieving the required sample size in a timely manner. Patient recruitment is anticipated to commence later in the 3rd quarter. This study on lung cancer patients is a follow-up to a previous study performed to determine the urinary levels of AA in normal healthy volunteers and in patients with a cancer diagnosis.