Nowadays, 50% of drugs in development have a biological origin, according to Farmaindustria. They are a new generation of substances that improve the features of traditional medicines (chemically-based ones) and are intended -most of them- to fight diseases in a more specific way.

The advances in genetic knowledge and the application of new technologies to health make possible the scientific research to take important steps in this way. In fact, these compounds are already gaining ground to the traditional medicines in the worldwide market.

Chronic diseases such as the Rheumatoid Arthritis, for instance, are one of the main fields of influence of these state-of-the-art drugs that, besides, can be personalized. Other relevant field are the vaccines, very necessary to eradicate lethal diseases in humans and animals.

These are some of the advantages of biological drugs:

-They are more specific.

-Their action is usually faster.

-Their response is more time sustained.

-They improve the patient's quality of life.

Bionaturis operates in the biological arena with the global vision of making those state-of-the-art medicines reach more and more people and producers.

If you want to know more about the advantages of biological drugs, please click in these links

What are biologics? Questions and answers

How drugs and biologics differ?

European Medicine Agency: main guidelines about biologics

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