Notice of Annual and Special Meeting of the Shareholders

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual and Special Meeting of the shareholders (the "Meeting") of BlackBerry Limited (the "Company") will be held on June 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) for the following purposes:

  1. TO RECEIVE and consider the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 and the auditor's report thereon;
  2. TO ELECT the directors of the Company;
  3. TO RE-APPOINT the auditors of the Company and to authorize the board of directors to fix the auditors' remuneration;
  4. TO CONSIDER an ordinary resolution to approve an amendment and restatement of the Company's equity incentive plan to increase the number of common shares of the Company issuable thereunder, to remove the fungible share ratio applicable to the granting of stock options and to make certain housekeeping amendments;
  5. TO CONSIDER an advisory (non-binding) resolution on executive compensation; and
  6. TO TRANSACT such further and other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

The meeting will be held in a virtual-only format via a live audio webcast. Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders will be able to attend, participate in and vote at the meeting in real time through an online platform at

Please refer to the accompanying management proxy circular for further information regarding the items of business at the meeting, who can vote and how to vote, including how to be represented by proxy. The management proxy circular is deemed to form part of this notice.

DATED at Waterloo, Ontario this 3rd day of May, 2024.


(signed) Richard Lynch, Chair


Management Proxy Circular

for the

Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders

Tuesday, June 25, 2024









Presentation of Financial Statements



Election of Directors



Re-appointment of Independent Auditors and Authorization of Directors to fix the Auditors' Remuneration



Approval of the Amended Equity Incentive Plan



Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation


























Schedule A - Amended Equity Incentive Plan


Schedule B - Mandate of the Board of Directors



In this Management Proxy Circular, unless otherwise specified herein, all references to dollar amounts are to U.S. dollars. Unless otherwise noted, all Canadian dollar amounts have been converted into U.S. dollars at the following Bank of Canada average exchange rates:

Fiscal 2024: U.S. $1.00 = CDN $1.3500

Fiscal 2023: U.S. $1.00 = CDN $1.3135

Fiscal 2022: U.S. $1.00 = CDN $1.2528

Any amounts in Canadian dollars have been highlighted by the inclusion of the prefix "CDN" before a specified dollar amount.


This management proxy circular (the "Management Proxy Circular") is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by management of BlackBerry Limited (the "Company" or "BlackBerry") for use at the annual and special meeting of the shareholders of the Company to be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (the "Meeting") in a virtual-only format which will be conducted via live audio webcast at at any adjournment thereof for the purposes set forth in the enclosed notice of meeting (the "Notice of Meeting"). A form of proxy or voting instruction form accompanies this Management Proxy Circular. Unless otherwise indicated, the information in this Management Proxy Circular is given as at May 3, 2024. This Management Proxy Circular includes information that the Company is required to provide under the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and applicable disclosure requirements in Canada. Shareholders in the United States should be aware that the applicable disclosure requirements in Canada are different from those of the United States applicable to proxy statements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "U.S. Exchange Act").



  1. Who is soliciting my proxy?
    Proxies are being solicited by management of the Company for use at the Meeting. Proxies will be solicited primarily by mail but employees and agents of the Company may also use electronic means. Management may also retain one or more proxy solicitation firms to solicit proxies on its behalf by telephone, electronic mail or by facsimile. Management expects that the costs of retaining a proxy solicitation firm or firms would not exceed $50,000. The costs of solicitation by management will be borne by the Company.
    The Company may pay the reasonable costs incurred by persons who are the registered but not beneficial owners of common shares of the Company ("Common Shares") such as brokers, dealers, other registrants under applicable securities laws, nominees or custodians, in sending or delivering copies of this Management Proxy Circular, the Notice of Meeting and form of proxy or voting instruction form to the beneficial owners of Common Shares. The Company will provide, without cost to such persons, upon request to the Corporate Secretary of the Company, additional copies of these documents required for this purpose.
  2. How can I receive information about the Meeting?
    The Company is using the "notice and access" system adopted by the Canadian Securities Administrators and the SEC for the delivery of proxy materials to registered and beneficial shareholders through the following website: On or about May 16, 2024, the Company will mail to shareholders a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the "proxy notice"), containing instructions on how to access this Management Proxy Circular for the Meeting and the Company's Annual
    Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 (collectively, the "proxy materials"), which was filed with the SEC and Canadian Securities Administrators on April 4, 2024. The proxy notice also provides instructions on how to vote online or by telephone and includes instructions on how to receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail. The proxy materials and a form of proxy or voting instruction form are being mailed to those shareholders with existing instructions on their account to receive paper material.

Shareholders with questions about notice and access can ("Computershare") toll free at 1-866-964-0492 or by going to:

call Computershare Investor Services Inc.

The Company is not sending proxy-related materials directly to non-objecting beneficial owners of Common Shares but will make delivery through intermediaries. The Company will pay for intermediaries to deliver proxy-related materials to both non-objecting and objecting beneficial owners of Common Shares.

3. How is the Meeting being held?

This year, as in recent years, the Company will hold the Meeting in a virtual-only format via a live audio webcast. The Meeting will not take place in a physical location and shareholders will therefore not be able to


attend the Meeting in person. All shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders, regardless of their geographic location, will have an equal opportunity to participate in the Meeting and ask questions.

  1. What items will be voted on?
    The following four items will be voted on at the Meeting:
    1. the election of seven directors to the Company's board of directors (the "Board");
    2. the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC") as the Company's independent auditors and the authorization of the Board to fix the auditors' remuneration;
    3. an ordinary resolution to approve an amendment and restatement of the Company's equity incentive plan (the "Equity Incentive Plan") to increase the number of Common Shares issuable thereunder, to remove the fungible share ratio applicable to the granting of stock options ("Options") and to make certain housekeeping amendments, all as more particularly described in this Management Proxy Circular; and
    4. a non-binding advisory vote on the Company's approach to executive compensation as described in this Management Proxy Circular (the "Say on Pay Vote").
  2. Who is eligible to vote?
    Holders of Common Shares registered on the books of the Company at the close of business on May 3, 2024 (the "Record Date") and their duly appointed representatives are eligible to vote at the Meeting. A shareholder is a registered shareholder if shown as a shareholder on the Record Date on the shareholder list kept by Computershare, as registrar and transfer agent of the Company for the Common Shares, in which case a share certificate or statement from a direct registration system will have been issued to the shareholder which indicates the shareholder's name and the number of Common Shares owned by the shareholder. Registered holders of Common Shares will receive with this Management Proxy Circular a form of proxy from Computershare representing the Common Shares held by the registered shareholder.
    If your Common Shares are registered in the name of an intermediary, such as a bank, trust company, securities broker, trustee, custodian, or other nominee who holds your Common Shares on your behalf (an "Intermediary"), or in the name of a clearing agency in which your Intermediary is a participant, then you are a non-registered or beneficial shareholder. As such, you are not identified on the share register maintained by
    Computershare as being a shareholder. Instead, the Company's share register shows the shareholder of your
    Common Shares as being the Intermediary or depository through which you own your Common Shares. Please see the answer to the question "How do I vote if my Common Shares are held in the name of an Intermediary?"
  3. How can I participate in the Meeting?
    Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders, including non-registered holders who have duly appointed themselves as their proxy, who participate in the Meeting online will be able to listen to the Meeting, ask questions and vote, all in real time. Non-registered shareholders who have not duly appointed themselves as their proxies will be able to listen to the Meeting and ask questions but will not be able to vote at the Meeting. Guests who are not shareholders may also attend the Meeting but will not be able to vote or ask questions at the Meeting. To participate:

Step 1: Log in online at; and

Step 2: Follow the instructions below:

Registered shareholders: Click "I have a login" and then enter your username. Your username is the 15-digit control number located on your form of proxy, proxy notice or in the e-mail notification you received from Computershare.

Duly appointed proxyholders (including non-registered shareholders who haveduly appointed themselves as proxyholder): Click "I have a login" and then enter your username. Proxyholders who have been duly appointed and registered with Computershare as described in this Management


Proxy Circular will receive a control number by email from Computershare after 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on June 21, 2024.

Non-registered shareholders who have notduly appointed themselves as proxyholder: Click "I have a login" and then enter your username. Your username is the 16-digitcontrol number located on your form of proxy, proxy notice or in the e-mailnotification you received from your Intermediary.

Be sure to retain this control number if you intend to appoint a person or company to represent you at the Meeting as your proxy or if you intend to attend and ask questions at the Meeting.

Guests: Click "Guest" and then complete the online form.

If you attend the Meeting online, it is important that you are connected to the internet at all times during the Meeting in order to vote when balloting commences. It is your responsibility to stay connected for the duration of the Meeting. You should allow ample time to check into the Meeting online and complete the related procedures. For additional information about attending the Meeting, refer to the Company's virtual AGM user guide at visit, which provides frequently asked questions along with access to a live chat for technical support in the event of difficulties during the registration, authentication and voting process.

  1. How can I vote if I am a registered shareholder?
    If your Common Shares are registered in your name and you wish to vote online during the Meeting, log into the Meeting using your control number and, if you accept the terms and conditions, any proxy for the Meeting previously submitted by you will be revoked and you will be provided the opportunity to vote by online ballot. If you do not wish to revoke a previously submitted proxy, you may log in as a guest but will be unable to vote or ask questions at the Meeting.
    Alternatively, you may vote online at www.investorvote.comor by telephone at 1-866-732-VOTE (8683) by 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on June 21, 2024 or at least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, prior to any adjournment or postponement of the Meeting at which the proxy is to be used (the "Proxy Deadline"). See your proxy notice or form of proxy for instructions.
  2. How can someone else vote for me if I am registered shareholder?
    If you have received a paper form of proxy, you may sign the form of proxy to give authority to Richard Lynch, Board Chair, or failing him, John J. Giamatteo, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, to vote your Common Shares at the Meeting in accordance with your instructions. A paper form of proxy should be executed by you or your duly authorized attorney or, if the shareholder is a corporation, by a duly authorized officer or attorney thereof.
    You have the right to appoint a person or company (who need not be a shareholder of the Company), other than the persons designated in the form of proxy, to represent you at the Meeting. This right may be exercised by inserting the name of such person or company in the blank space provided in the proxy.
    To submit a paper form of proxy, you must deliver your signed and completed proxy by mail or by hand to Computershare at 100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1 Attention: Proxy Department, by the Proxy Deadline.
    If you are appointing a person or company to represent you at the Meeting other than the persons designated in the form of proxy, you must deliver your form of proxy appointing that person or company AND then register that proxyholder online with Computershare. To register a third-partyproxyholder, shareholders must visit the Proxy Deadline and provide Computershare with the required proxyholder contact so that Computershare may provide the proxyholder with a control number via e-mail. Failure to register the proxyholder AFTER you have submitted your proxy form will result in the proxyholder not receiving a control number that is required to vote at the Meeting. Without a control number, a proxyholder will not be able to vote or ask questions at the Meeting but will be able to attend the Meeting as a guest.


9. How do I vote if my Common Shares are held in the name of an Intermediary?

The information set forth below is of significant importance to many shareholders of the Company, as a substantial number of shareholders do not hold their Common Shares in their own name, and thus are non-registered shareholders. Rules of the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") prohibit discretionary voting by Intermediaries on certain "non-routine"matters. At the Meeting, Intermediaries that have not received instructions from their respective beneficial owners will not be permitted to vote on any resolutions other than resolution to re-appointPwC as independent auditors of the Company and to authorize the Board to fix the auditors' remuneration.

The Company has distributed copies of a notice about the website availability of the proxy materials and a request for voting instructions (the "Notice Package") to the clearing agencies and Intermediaries for onward distribution to registered and non-registered shareholders. The Company will not send the Notice Package directly to non-registered shareholders. Non-registered shareholders with existing instructions on their account to receive paper material will receive a paper copy of this Management Proxy Circular and the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K.

If you are a non-registered shareholder, you may vote your Common Shares in one of the following ways:

Through your Intermediary:

A voting instruction form will be included in the Notice Package sent to you. The voting instruction form, when properly completed and signed by the non-registered shareholder and returned to the Intermediary in accordance with the directions on the form, will instruct your Intermediary on how to vote on your behalf.

Attend the Meeting:

If you wish to vote your Common Shares during the Meeting, you must appoint yourself as a proxyholder by entering your name in the space provided on the voting instruction form and signing and returning it to the Intermediary in accordance with the directions on the form. Do not otherwise complete the form, as you will be voting at the Meeting. In addition, you must also register yourself online with Computershare at the Proxy Deadline so that Computershare may provide you with a control number via e-mail.If you do not register AFTER you have submitted your voting instruction form, you will not receive a control number and you will not be able to vote or ask questions at the Meeting but will be able to attend only as a guest.

Designate another person to be appointed as your proxyholder:

You can choose another person (who need not be a shareholder of the Company) to vote for you as a proxyholder. If you appoint someone else, they must attend the Meeting for you. To appoint someone else, you should enter the person's name in the space provided on the voting instruction form and sign and return it to the Intermediary in accordance with the directions on the form. Do not otherwise complete the form, as your proxyholder will be voting at the Meeting. In addition, you must also register your proxyholder online with Computershare at the Proxy Deadline so that Computershare may provide your proxyholder with a control number via e-mail.If you do not register your proxyholder AFTER you have submitted your voting instruction form, your proxyholder will not receive a control number and will not be able to vote or ask questions at the Meeting but will be able to attend only as a guest.

Every Intermediary has its own mailing procedures and provides its own return instructions to clients, which should be carefully followed by non-registered shareholders in order to ensure that their Common Shares are voted at the Meeting.

Important information for U.S. non-registered shareholders:

If you are a non-registered shareholder located in the United States and you wish to attend and vote at the Meeting or, if permitted, appoint a third party as your proxyholder, you must first obtain a legal proxy form from your Intermediary and then register in advance to attend the Meeting. Follow the instructions from your Intermediary included with the Notice Package or contact your Intermediary to request a legal proxy form. To register to attend the Meeting, you must submit a copy of your legal proxy to Computershare by e-mail or


courier to by e-mail) or Computershare Investor Services Inc., 100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2Y1 (if by courier). Your request for registration must be labeled as "legal proxy" and be received by no later than 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on June 21, 2024.

  1. How will my shares be voted if I give my proxy?
    The Common Shares represented by proxies in favour of persons named therein will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the instructions of the shareholder on any ballot that may be called for and, if a shareholder specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon at the Meeting, the Common Shares represented by proxy will be voted accordingly. If a specification is not made with respect to any matter, the form of proxy confers discretionary authority and will be voted as follows:
    1. FOR the election as directors of each of the individuals listed herein as proposed nominees;
    2. FOR the re-appointment of PwC as independent auditors of the Company and the authorization of the Board to fix the auditors' remuneration; and
    3. FOR the ordinary resolution approving the amended and restated Equity Incentive Plan (the "Amended Equity Incentive Plan"), as described in this Management Proxy Circular; and
    4. FOR the non-binding advisory resolution to accept the Company's approach to executive compensation, as described in this Management Proxy Circular.
  2. If I change my mind, can I revoke my proxy once I have given it?
    In addition to any other manner permitted by law, if you are a registered shareholder you may revoke a proxy before it is exercised by: (i) an instrument in writing executed in the same manner as a proxy and delivered to the attention of the Corporate Secretary of the Company at the registered office of the Company at any time up to and including the last business day preceding the day of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof, or (ii) completing and signing a proxy form bearing a later date than the proxy form you previously returned and delivering it to Computershare it in accordance with the instructions on the form of proxy before the Proxy Deadline. If you have followed the process for attending and voting at the Meeting online, voting at the Meeting online will revoke your previous proxy. If you are a non-registered holder, contact your Intermediary to find out how to change or revoke your voting instructions and the timing requirements.
  3. What if amendments are made to the matters identified in the Notice of Meeting or other business comes before the Meeting?
    The form of proxy confers discretionary authority upon the persons named therein to vote with respect to any amendments or variations to the matters identified in the Notice of Meeting and with respect to any other matters that may properly come before the Meeting in such manner as the persons named therein in their judgment may determine. At the date hereof, management of the Company knows of no such amendments, variations or other matters to come before the Meeting.
  4. What constitutes a quorum at the Meeting?
    The presence of two or more shareholders or proxyholders entitled to cast votes representing at least 25% of the outstanding Common Shares will constitute a quorum at the Meeting or any adjournment of the Meeting. The Company's list of shareholders as of the Record Date has been used to deliver to shareholders the Notice of Meeting and this Management Proxy Circular as well as to determine who is eligible to vote at the Meeting. Abstentions, withhold votes and broker non-votes will be considered present for the purposes of determining a quorum.
  5. How many shares are entitled to vote?
    The authorized share capital of the Company consists of an unlimited number of Common Shares, Class A Shares and Preferred Shares. As of the Record Date, 590,171,424 Common Shares are issued and outstanding, each of which carries the right to one vote on all matters that may come before the Meeting. No Class A Shares or Preferred Shares are currently issued and outstanding.


  1. What is the required vote for each resolution?
    For a director nominee to be elected at the Meeting, the number of votes cast for the nominee must exceed the number of votes withheld. In addition, a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting is required for the approval of each of the resolution to re-appoint PwC as independent auditors of the Company and to authorize the Board to fix the auditors' remuneration, the ordinary resolution to approve the Amended Equity Incentive Plan, and the Say on Pay Vote.
    Broker non-votes occur when beneficial owners do not provide voting instructions and their respective Intermediary nominees do not have discretion to vote. Abstentions and broker non-votes are not considered votes cast. Because the results of each resolution are based on the number of votes cast at the Meeting, abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of any resolution.
  2. Is my vote confidential?
    Under normal conditions, confidentiality of voting is maintained by virtue of the fact that Computershare tabulates proxies and votes. However, such confidentiality may be lost as to any proxy or ballot if a question arises as to its validity or revocation or any other like matter. Loss of confidentiality may also occur if the Board decides that disclosure is in the interest of the Company or its shareholders.
  3. What are the procedures related to questions for the Meeting?
    Registered shareholders with a control number may submit questions for the Meeting in advance through During the Meeting, shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders, but not guests, may submit questions to the Company during the Meeting by selecting the messaging icon. So that as many questions as possible are answered, shareholders and proxyholders are asked to be brief and concise and to address only one topic per question. Questions from multiple shareholders on the same topic or that are otherwise related may be grouped, summarized and answered together. All shareholder questions are welcome; however, the Company does not intend to address questions that:
    • are irrelevant to the business of the meeting or to the Company's operations;
    • are in furtherance of a shareholder's personal or business interest or related to personal grievances;
    • are related to non-public information about the Company;
    • constitute derogatory references to individuals or that are otherwise offensive to third parties;
    • are repetitious or have already been asked by other shareholders; or
    • are out of order or not otherwise appropriate as determined by the chair or secretary of the Meeting in their reasonable judgment.

To ensure the Meeting is conducted in a manner that is orderly and fair to all shareholders, the chair of the Meeting may exercise broad discretion with respect to, for example, the order in which questions are asked and the amount of time devoted to any one question. Questions that cannot be answered during the Meeting and have been properly put before the Meeting will be posted online and answered as soon as practical after the Meeting at

18. What if I need more information about the Meeting?

If you have a question regarding the Meeting, please contact Computershare as follows:

By Mail:

100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, ON M5J 2Y1

By Telephone:


By Internet:

BlackBerry Limited

2200 University Avenue East

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2K 0A7



1. Presentation of Financial Statements

The audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024 ("Fiscal 2024"), and the report of the auditors thereon, will be placed before the Meeting. These audited comparative consolidated financial statements, which are included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, were mailed to the Company's registered and beneficial shareholders who requested them. The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K is available on the Company's website at, on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+) in Canada at www.sedarplus.comand on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR) system at

2. Election of Directors

The Company's articles of amalgamation provide for the Board to consist of a minimum of one and a maximum of fifteen directors. Ms. O'Neill is a proposed nominee for election as a new director and, as a result, the number of directors to be elected at the Meeting has been fixed by the Board at seven.

The Board has experienced significant renewal during the past year: four of the eight directors elected by shareholders at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2023 are no longer on the Board or not standing for re-election, and three of the seven proposed director nominees are on the ballot at the Meeting for the first time.

The Compensation, Nomination and Governance Committee (the "CNG Committee") of the Board worked with a leading global executive search firm to identify Ms. O'Neill as a nominee for election. The CNG Committee continues to search for one or more suitable candidates to serve on the Board, taking into consideration applicable stock exchange requirements, the candidate's skills, qualifications and external commitments, and the Company's Board diversity policy (the "Board Diversity Policy"). The CNG Committee is prioritizing the identification of an additional female candidate, to increase the representation of women on the Board from 29% to 38%. See "Corporate Governance - 4. Board Diversity" in this Management Proxy Circular for further details

The matrix below summarizes the key qualifications, skills and attributes possessed by the director nominees to be elected at the Meeting that are of particular relevance to the Company's business and objectives:









Executive Leadership

Finance and Accounting


International Business

Public Company Governance

Risk Management

Technology and Innovation

Gender Identity











BlackBerry Ltd. published this content on 03 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 14 May 2024 13:06:34 UTC.