C3 AI and Bloom Energy announced that the companies are working together to implement innovative AI-based solutions to broaden the scope and precision of Bloom?s product monitoring technology. With the C3 AI Reliability Suite, Bloom Energy will be able to enhance operational excellence, improve reliability, and maximize energy output of their fuel cell servers. AI-based insights will provide timely recommendations to Bloom?s remote monitoring teams to improve fuel-cell server performance.

With a gigawatt of installed capacity, Bloom receives and monitors a billion real-time performance data points daily from its energy systems and has advanced the use of data analytics in the energy sector to both monitor and refine fuel cell performance and support new science, research, and technology innovation. Now, Bloom?s remote engineering teams will use AI recommendations, alerts, and workflows within the C3 AI Reliability Suite to adjust fuel cell operating parameters that impact cell performance and lifetime, further refining Bloom?s operational excellence. The Bloom Energy platform provides reliable, resilient, and sustainable energy to businesses and communities.

Bloom?s fuel cells are based on a proprietary solid oxide technology and operate at high efficiency without combustion allowing for flexible deployment and operating customization based on a combination of cost, resilience, and sustainability considerations. With the help of AI, Bloom can further enhance its projects to design for customer needs and continue delivering world class energy solutions. The C3 AI Reliability Suite allows customers like Bloom to leverage AI to achieve higher rates of asset utilization while retaining intellectual property and avoiding pitfalls associated with other AI models.