Castleview Property Fund Limited board has approved the final gross dividend of 15.34 cents per share for the six months ended 29 February 2020. Shareholders were further advised that the board has proposed a further dividend of 0.87 cents per share as a result of extra profits in the financial year ended February 2020, bringing the total dividend payable up to 16.21 cents per share (the "dividend"). Accordingly, a higher than anticipated overall dividend per share will be payable to shareholders. Shareholders should not expect such dividend to recur in the future. Shareholders will be entitled, in respect of all or part of their shareholdings, to elect to reinvest the cash dividend in return for Castleview shares (the "dividend reinvestment alternative"), failing which they will receive the cash dividend of 16.21 cents per share that will be paid to those shareholders not electing to participate in the dividend reinvestment alternative.